
Church Profile

Meeting Location
Sun Valley High School
5211 Old Charlotte Highway
Monroe, NC 2811
United States
Service Times
Sunday School 9AM Worship 10:30AM
(704) 225-0161
Dr. Michael Milton (Transitional Pastor)

Our Mission

Church of the Redeemer exists to exalt Christ first by gathering those from our community, grounding them in the gospel, growing them into disciples, and going together to build the kingdom of God.

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About Church Of The Redeemer

Church of the Redeemer is a vibrant church serving Union County, North Carolina, since February 2002. In 2001, Church of the Redeemer was planted as a daughter church of Christ Covenant in Matthews, NC.
Denomination / Affiliation: Presbyterian Church in America
Dress Style: casual


Church Ministries
Sunday School
Small Groups


The Heart and Soul of what we believe: We can know God and be known by God personally and experientially through Christ our Redeemer. We believe that the Bible is God’s inspired Word without error and is, therefore, trustworthy in all matters about God and about us. (2 Tim 3:16, 2 Pet 1:20-21) God speaks personally to us through the Word God directs us to the true way of salvation in Scripture God calls us to follow his ways in his Law We believe there is only one God in three Persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Matt 28:19, 2 Cor 13:14) – and he calls us to follow his ways found in his Word Each Person of the Trinity is fully God Each Person of the Trinity is to be worshipped Each Person of the Trinity participates in our redemption We believe that God created man with dignity in his own image, but that we are sinners who are unable to save ourselves from God’s wrath. (Gen 1:26, Gen 6:5) Man was made to worship God alone and to do good with pure holiness Man cannot – by his best efforts – redeem himself to a state of holiness before God Man was made to know God and be known by God, but all of us, like sheep, have gone astray We believe that God saves sinful men and women by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. (Eph 2:8-9, Rom 3:21-26) God sovereignly chooses whom he will save God’s choice is based on grace and love within himself and not our best works or foreseen faith God secures the salvation of the chosen so they will not fall away We believe that God sent his son, Jesus Christ, into time, space, and history to redeem his people through his perfect life, his sacrificial death for their sin, and through his resurrection from the dead. (John 20:30, Gal 4:4-7) Those who receive Christ alone for their salvation will be saved Christ is fully God and fully man, the only mediator between a holy God and sinful men Christ is the only way to know God personally (Jn 14:6, Acts 4:12) We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells God’s people to comfort, empower, and effect our salvation. (John 14:16, Acts 2:1) The Holy Spirit affirms our connection and belonging to God as children The Holy Spirit convicts and transforms us through the Word of God The Holy Spirit equips and calls us to service in prayer We believe that God gathers his people together in the local church with Christ as its head and with the Holy Spirit dwelling among her as a worshiping community. (Matt 28:16-20, Eph 2:19-22) The Church is the bride of Christ, who is loved and cherished by God The Church is the body of Christ ministering to people within the church and in mission The visible Church is made up of holistic families with believers and their children because of the covenant God extends to his people throughout all times We believe that Christ will return as the Lord and Judge and will resurrect his people and restore the heavens and the earth for his glory and for our pleasure. (Rev 21:1-8, Mk 13) Christ will raise his own people to beauty, honor, and glory Those who do not know God and trust in his Christ will endure eternal punishment Christians live with hope because God will dwell with his people personally for all eternity We believe that our chief end is to glorify God in all aspects of life and to take pleasure in his character, salvation, and Lordship over all. (1 Cor 10:39, Ps 73:25) Love of God and men is the highest calling for the Christian We glorify God and love him as a community of saints, not merely as individuals Mission and mercy are manifestations of love for God and men Want to know more? We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). Please see for more information about our denomination. To gain a richer explanation of our beliefs, please reference our confession: the Westminster Confession of Faith with Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
Baptism: Both


Church Of The Redeemer is a Presbyterian Church located in Zip Code 2811.

Church Profile Manager: Melissa Hines