Meet The Pastor
Pastor Joe Hughes
For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel! (1 Corinthians 9:16)
I have served as Pastor of Exodus Baptist Church in Maiden, NC since March of 2014. Called into the Gospel Ministry in 1998, I only wish to serve the Lord Jesus in a way that brings glory to Him, that draws sinners to saving faith in Him, and that draws believers to a stronger walk with Him. I believe that scripture teaches clearly that Jesus created the church, is head of the church, and builds the church as His method for spreading the Gospel, equipping the saints, and caring for His people. The Bible believing, preaching, practicing church is still very much relevant because Jesus established the church, and is preparing the church to be presented without spot. It is my great honor to serve as pastor of a Bible loving, teaching, preaching church.
I believe in the Great Commission as the mission of every church. Jesus called us and commissioned us to reach the lost with the good news of salvation from sin and condemnation through His blood shed as payment for sin on the cross of Calvary. I believe that any church that does not practice active, purposeful efforts to win the lost to Jesus and make disciples of new believers, teaching holiness in living and following Christ, has ceased to be a church.
I am the husband of Pam, and daddy of Brianna and Joshua. Our family’s prayer is that we can be a blessing to God’s people through our music and ministry, that we can encourage and be a help to our congregation, and that we can reach the lost with the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ at every opportunity.
My family and I desire the prayers of God’s people in these last days. Serving as a pastor in a small church is challenging, yet rewarding. Our greatest desire is to serve the Lord Jesus faithfully, and by doing so to serve the people he has sent us to pastor.
I will be writing a brief article here on this blog periodically, with the goal of encouraging God’s people through His word. Occasionally, I will post a “Food For Thought” article designed to encourage and motivate study of the Bible and healthy conversation of the topic being discussed. These devotional and informational articles can be read by visiting here, or you can subscribe and receive the articles by email or read them in your favorite RSS reader.
If you live in the vicinity of Maiden, NC, let me give you my personal invitation to visit with us at Exodus Baptist Church. You will find a warm, friendly smile on the faces of all our members, and we will do our very best to make you feel welcome and loved. Our services are traditional, with uplifting, encouraging, Christ-honoring music, corporate prayer time, testimonies, and old fashioned preaching from the King James Bible.