Church Profile
Service Times
Sunday Service: 10:30 a.m.

Our Mission
Worship - Serve - Fellowship - Proclaim - Grow
Christ-focused learning for Christ-centered living.
Church Staff
A fellow pastor asked me if I would be willing to fill the pulpit at a church in Eden, NC for a few weeks. Not wanting anyone to go without the Lord's word and Christian fellowship, I agreed. After a few weeks of getting to know the people, what I found were people who...
Read more About Lighthouse Baptist Church
We believe that the church was created to serve and glorify the Lord. At Lighthouse Baptist Church we accomplish this by equipping the saints through Christ-centered worship, interactive Bible studies, prayer, and community fellowship. We are excited to see the Lord working in the lives of believers and through their families. Our commitment to sharing our experiences with the Lord through community outreach is bringing about meaningful and lasting change. What we learned is that one person can make a big difference, because a perfect God showed us how - one life at a time!
“Lighthouse is a family-focused country church with traditional values and a modern spirit. The lamp is ready, and the light of Jesus is shining bright. Join us as we run the race that is before us and be encouraged by what the Lord does in your life.”
Denomination / Affiliation:
Service and Sermon Style:
Verse-by-Verse Teaching
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Primary Language:
Whether you are exploring Christianity or looking for a specific church-home for your family, thank you for visiting Lighthouse Baptist Church’s webpage. We hope that this will provide you with the information that you seek and that you will consider visiting us in the near future.
Lighthouse Baptist Church is an independent fundamental Baptist church. Even though that looks like a pretty comprehensive definition, there are many flavors of Christianity and worship styles within this category. So here are a few basic statements that will help you learn a little bit about what we believe and who we serve.
We are an independent church. This means that we are free to worship God how the Bible instructs us to without interference from outside conventions or groups. Our Church Constitution, Bylaws, and Statement of Faith govern how we operate and what we base our faith upon. These documents are available upon request.
Speaking of faith, we believe that the Bible is the literal inspired word of God, that it is inerrant in its original languages and context, and that it is plenary (meaning that faithful translations from the original languages were also inspired by the Holy Spirit). Plainly spoken, we believe God and take Him at His word. In general, we use the King James translation of the Bible for services; however, there may be times when other translations are referenced for Bible study purposes. The Bible is our final authority for matters concerning God, church, and life.
We welcome people to come as they are. If you feel led to dress in your formal Sunday best, then please do so. If you come dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, you will also be welcome. Most people attend services in business-casual attire. Jesus did not turn away the broken, the poor, or the down-trodden, and neither will we.
Our music worship is a blend of styles. We love the traditional hymns, but also appreciate how some contemporary compositions are God-honoring as well. That is the key; we believe that all aspects of our worship, be it prayer, sermons, service projects, or music be honoring to God and maintain their focus on our Lord.
We are open to new ministry opportunities and find that God has given each individual gifts and talents which He uses to further His kingdom on Earth and edify believers in the church. What do you feel called to do for the Lord? Can we help you focus that into a ministry?
Kids are welcome to attend a specific youth program or stay with their parents in the service. As parents, you know what is best for your children and we support you in your decision.
Those are most of the peripherals. Now the most important things to know is who you are, who God is, why we need Him, what He has done for us through the work of His Son Jesus, and how to reconcile ourselves to Him. We believe in salvation by grace through faith in the person of Jesus alone. Friends, we are all broken. We are all sinners. At one or more times in our life, we have all disobeyed God and fallen short of His standards of holiness. The punishment for sin is eternal separation from God in a literal place called Hell. But even though we revolted against His sovereign authority, He offered His Son Jesus to die in our place as payment for our sins. You see, Jesus is God and he came to Earth in the flesh so that he could rescue us from our fate. All he asks is that we repent of our sins, ask him to forgive us and proclaim him as Lord, and is faithful to forgive us all of our sins. The gift is free to us, but he had to give his life to purchase it.
Once we accept the Lord as our Savior, no man, not even ourselves, can pluck us out of the safety of the Father’s hands. How you walk and grow after that moment determines how close your relationship with God becomes. If we fall back on our duties as Christians, then our relationship with God will suffer, but we will still not loose our salvation. If we walk forward in faith, seeking His face daily, then you cannot help but to grow closer to Him. That is our wish for you at Lighthouse Baptist Church. We hope that you will visit us and find a home here.
Primary Bible Version Used:
King James Version
Older Children/adults
Communion Frequency:
Eternal Security:
No, Can't Lose
Regularly Practice:
Altar Call or Invitation
Lighthouse Baptist Church is a Baptist Church located in Zip Code 27288.
Church Profile Manager: Scott Adamsons