Meet The Pastor

Pastor James Reed
Hello! I'm Pastor James and I appreciate you taking the time to stop by.
Here's a little about me. I was raised in south-central Florida and in a Christian home. Married at the age of 19 to my high school sweetheart, I enlisted in the US Air Force at age 20. The Air Force was my career for 22 years.
In many ways my Air Force career saved my life. Military service does that for a lot of young people, and I suppose I’m no exception to that observation. While I was stationed at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, I wandered spiritually and eventually landed at Tucson Calvary Chapel. Though I would not recognize it for years, this was the place and time where God radically called me to Himself. I was compelled beyond anything I could resist or explain to absolutely surrender my life to Christ. I also knew that while He was saving me, He was also calling me into His service.
My time in the Air Force was filled with continuing deployments, education, military achievements, and an expanding family. A few years before retirement, I was ordained. After retirement in 2009, I went into pastoral ministry. My seminary education includes an MA in Biblical Studies, and an MDiv. I have served as an assistant pastor, worship leader, and youth pastor prior to finding a home here at Green Meadow Community Church.
I'm still married to that same amazing bride, Tracey. We have children and grandchildren, and God has been extremely merciful and gracious to each of us.
Come visit us at Green Meadow Community Church. It would be great to meet you. You can find more at our website:
In Christ, because of Christ-