Church Profile
Service Times
10:30 am Sunday mornings
(651) 560-0015

Pastor Luke Dusek
Our Mission
Creating opportunities for people to experience the grace of God.
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About Bloom Church
We are a small, LGBTQIA+ Open and Affirming community determined to keep Jesus' love, acceptance, and grace as the central message of his gospel.
We are real people who want to search, grow, heal, and flourish.
We are a group of unlikely friends who believe in making church a common ground for meaningful friendship - not a place filled with churchy lingo, Christianese, self-help programs, or a strange religious subculture.
We're not sure how you feel about God, how much you know about the Bible, or whether we agree on everything spiritual. And that's fine with us. Your story makes you unique, and we want to hear it. Bloom is a growing family sharing a story of God's pursuit of them. God is perfect, and we are not, but our stories reflect a God who loves us first.
We invite you to join your story to ours. We simply ask that you come open to the possibility that God loves you, too, and that God longs for a real relationship with you.
Our mission is to create opportunities for people to experience the grace of God.
No judging. No politics. Just Jesus.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Other Christian
Service and Sermon Style:
Topical Sermons
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Primary Language:
Bloom Church is a Non-Denominational Church located in Zip Code 55105.
Church Profile Manager: Erin Hurley Robinson