Meet The Pastor
Reverend Dr. Marcel Allen Lamb
Somehow, the Amazing Grace Church of Imlay City has intersected your life. Somehow, you find yourself reading this right now. Somehow, you've decided to read this message. These apparent coincidences are more likely something arranged by the hand of God. God moves unseen in the fabric of our day to day lives and God opens windows and doors of opportunity and grace (good things from God).
Whatever the means, God is introducing this church to you. We would like to cooperate with God and team up with you so that you get from God the full life Jesus Christ wants you to have.
However you've come to discover us, you are important to God and therefore you are extremely important to us. We come together to learn more about God, to live more like Jesus would, to encourage one another, and to help and serve the people in the church, in the community, and in the world.
We are here for each other and for you! Come and explore what God is bringing into your life through the ministries of Amazing Grace Church of ImlayCity.
We look forward to joining your adventure with God!
Our Staff is available to offer any guidance, help, or direction that you may need.
Contact us today!