100 or less Members
Church Profile
Service Times
Sundays 8:30 am and 9:30 am with Children's Church 9:45-11 am.
(410) 335-2172

Cynthia H Burkert
Our Mission
We are followers of Jesus Christ, reflecting the reign of God in all its diversity - compassionate toward all of God's world; outwardly focused; sharing gifts and resources with generous hospitality; intentionally sharing the good news of God's grace with those who do not know Jesus, so that they may claim both God's grace and a relationship with Jesus for themselves.
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About Chase United Methodist Church
Chase UMC is the merger of two historic churches, Sharp Street (founded 1865) and Ebenezer (founded 1790). We are intentionally multi-ethnic, and our worship and mission life together reflect the diversity that is our culture today: whatever your age, race, ethnicity, gender; whatever your church experience (or none); whether your faith is deep, or you have lots of questions - you will find a place here.
Denomination / Affiliation:
United Methodist
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Church Ministries
Sunday School
Small Groups
Groups and Public Services
Weddings and Receptions
Mission outreach teams. A Side of Theology (at Zesto's Pizza route 43 Thursdays 6:30-8 pm). Pastor's Cafe (Dunkin Donuts Carroll Island Rd Wednesday 10:30-noon.)
Easter Sunrise Worship Gunpowder Falls State Park, Hammerman Area Pavilion.
Food Pantry 4th Saturdays 10-noon (except November and December - 3rd Saturday) 301 Bowley's Quarters Rd.
We are followers of Jesus Christ, on a journey together to better know God through a relationship with Jesus and with other seekers, questioners, and Christians at various stages on that journey. We believe that Jesus is the embodiment of God's love, and that through faith in him, we can experience life in all its fullness - in this life and in the life beyond. We believe that by grace, God is calling all of us into relationship whether we realize it or not, and that once we accept that relationship, which we cannot earn, we will continue to grow in grace and in the love and knowledge of God. We are called to witness to God's love in our lives, and to share that love with others through our words and through tangibles acts of mercy and justice. We believe that the life of a follower of Jesus Christ is best lived out in a community of faith in which we support, challenge, and encourage one another, and seek to glorify God in all that we do.
Chase United Methodist Church is a Methodist Church located in Zip Code 21220.
Church Profile Manager: Cynthia Burkert