Meet The Pastor

Pastor Jean P. Ntap has been preaching and teaching the masses about the love of Jesus Christ. Leading many churches , Pastor Jean Paul Ntap remains steadfast in his quest to “develop dynamic disciples.” He is recognized as a catalyst to help individuals grow into lifelong Christian disciples who follow Jesus Christ. Pastor Jean P believes that these individuals will impact the world on behalf of the Lord, thereby strengthening families and healing broken hearts along the way. Pastor Jean Paul Ntap has been preaching the Good News since he was consacred as a minister in 1996 at 17 years old. From an early age, he developed a love for the Lord and felt a call to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. His pastoral journey began in December 1997 he was called to serve as the pastor at Bethany church in Bibass a village near to Oyem-Gabon. Nearly two years of pastoring at Bethany Bibass proved to be the training ground for his upcoming assignment. He served as an Evangelist- Pastor at New Covenant church in Libreville from 2001 to 2003 Pastor Jean Paul Ntap went to Guinea to pursue his education and funded a Revival Gospel Movement that brought many students into Christ from 2003 to 2005 while he was supporting into the growth of a church "Source d'Eau Vive" , he later became a Pastor at "Eglise Reconciliation and Guerison " from 2006 to 2009. Pastor Jean P went to Cameroon and started 2 houses of Prayer in Yaounde and in 2013 he moved to the USA , 2 years later he became a Pastor at Amazing Love Church Ministry until God appointed him to start in 2019 Tabernacle of Christ For All Nations as a Funder Pastor Jean P is a father and a husband.
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