100 or less Members

Church Profile

Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
18501 Maugans Ave
Suite 105
Hagerstown, MD 21742
United States
Service Times
Sundays - 10:30 AM Wednesdays - 7:00 PM
(301) 660-4966
Dr. Bradford Reaves

Our Mission

Our Purpose: “Crossway Christian Fellowship exists to Know, to Live, and to Share the Full Gospel of Jesus.” As a community of passionate believers, who know Jesus Christ and his Word, we are committed to boldly living out the Gospel in real ways and sharing the Gospel of Jesus with those around us” Our Mission: “Crossway Christian Fellowship will achieve our purpose through exceptional, biblically sound teaching and music, by being people who live in the world but not of the world, and sharing the Gospel through missionally-driven outreach” Our Vision: “Crossway Christian Fellowship will be known for having exceptional teaching and music that is soundly rooted in the Word of God. We will provide regular conferences that strengthen the Body of Christ, we will build strong biblically centered leaders, we will invest in future generations of the church, we will be a community of spiritually-healthy believers sharing life together, and we will actively engage our relationships, our community, and the world with the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

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About Crossway Christian Fellowship

We are a bible believing church that emphasizes the teaching of all Scripture as the foundational necessity for transforming lives through a faith relationship with Jesus Christ. We planted Crossway in 2021 with a distinct mission of increasing Biblical Literacy and with a calling of distinction away from a woke culture. We value the prophetic messages of Scripture that reveal our hope as we live in this culture. We are connected in the 'Remnant Network of Churches' through Rock Harbor Church in Bakersfield, CA (www.rockharborchurch.org) and affiliated with the Brethren Church Denomination in Ashville OH. You can expect a welcoming atmosphere and a contemporary musical style, but appealing to young and old (which includes hymns). The message is closely tied to Scripture, exegetical in presentation, and connected to current events. We are engaged in community outreach, foreign mission projects, and hold conferences to build our understanding of scripture
Denomination / Affiliation: Brethren
Service and Sermon Style: Verse-by-Verse Teaching
Dress Style: semiformal
Average Age of Attendees: 40-50
Community Projects: 11-24
Primary Language: English


Church Ministries
Groups and Public Services
Food Pantry
Vacation Bible School


1. The Bible1 We believe the original writings of the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments, in their entirety, to be fully inspired by God and are without error and completely trustworthy. We believe that God has faithfully preserved His Word throughout all generations and that it is fully authoritative and final as the absolute truth. We believe it is our ultimate source for all information about Almighty God, His character, the world He has created, and the events to come. It is our sole rule for our faith and practice. 2. God2 We believe there is only one and true Almighty God, eternally existent in three distinct, co-equal and co-eternal persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We believe in the eternal deity of Jesus Christ who was begotten not made. We believe his virgin birth, sinless life, and in the sin-pardoning value of Christ’s shed blood and death on the cross. We believe in Christ’s bodily resurrection, His ascension to Glory, and His imminent, personal, and visible return to the earth. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by who indwells a Christian, convicts them of sin, enables them to live a godly life. 3. Salvation3 We believe that all people are created in God’s image. Because of Adam’s disobedience to God’s command, all people are born into sin, have a sinful nature, and are separated from God because of that sin with no hope of communion with an Almighty God. God, who is rich in mercy, has made one provision for the salvation of people, which is faith in the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross as the satisfactory payment for sin. The Gospel is the Good News that God will receive to Himself all persons who, with penitent heart, confess their sins, and confess Jesus Christ as their one and only Lord and Savior. We believe in the bodily resurrection of the dead: of the believer to the eternal blessedness of the saved, and of the unbeliever to the eternal suffering of the lost in hell. 4. The Church4 We believe that all persons who have received God’s gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ constitute the Church. The Bible defines the Church as those who have been called out of the world to be God’s special people; the Body of Christ and the Bride of Christ. The mission of the Church is both external and internal and includes both word and deed. Externally, the Church is to proclaim the saving grace of Jesus Christ to sinful humanity and to impact its community for the glory of God as His representatives in the world. Internally, the Church is to teach believers the whole counsel of God which is found in the Scriptures and includes encouragement and accountability to one another. 4. The Last Days5 We uphold the literal interpretation of the Scriptures of end-times events. We eagerly and faithfully await the next prophetic event in God's prophetic word which is the imminent Rapture of His Church for the eternal blessing and separation from the wicked. The world, currently under the rule of Satan will be unbridled with the restraint of the Church lifted, which will usher in the Seven-Year Tribulation. This is a time of the Antichrist's rule and God's judgment is poured out on an unbelieving world. At the end of the tribulation, the world will behold the personal, visible, and bodily return of Christ and His Church to begin the Millennium, followed by the Great White Throne Judgement of Jesus Christ. This will bring in the New Heaven and Earth for those who are in Christ, and eternal hell for Satan, his demons, and those who refuse to put their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe the events of the world today and geopolitical alignments are preparing for the full and complete fulfillment of these imminent events. We uphold that the glorious Kingdom of God is yet to come and will not be seen until the victorious second coming of Christ. We uphold Israel as God's sovereignly chosen nation, which will be fully restored along with the resurrection of the Old Testament Saints. Until then, God continues to fulfill all His covenants with His people, despite their unfaithfulness. We look to Israel as a vital part of God's prophetic plan and affirm her restoration as a nation in 1948 as part of God's prophetic plan.
Primary Bible Version Used: English Standard Version
Baptism: Older Children/adults
Communion Frequency: Monthly
Healing and Charismatic Gifts: Open But Cautious
Regularly Practice: Altar Call or Invitation
We agree with these Doctrinal Statements: Apostles Creed Nicene Creed


Crossway Christian Fellowship is a Evangelical Church located in Zip Code 21742.

Church Profile Manager: Bradford Reaves