Meet The Pastor
Pastor Rod Fry
My name is Rod Fry. I grew up in Damascus, Md and graduated from Damascus HS. I then attended Towson University where I received my degree in Physical Education. I retired from teaching physical education after 40 years. The last 30 years were at Walter Johnson HS in Montgomery County Md. I served as the physical education dept. head, head varsity football coach, jv basketball and softball coach, and I also spent 8 years coaching college fastpitch softball serving as a pitching coach. (NCAA div II; NCAA div.lll, Jr College) Upon retirement from teaching, I immediately accepted a calling to serve 2 small country church as lay pastor. I have served Ijamsville and Flint Hill UM Churches since July of 2018. I am a member of a motorcycle ministry called the United Methodist Motorcycle Association, and play mandolin in a bluegrass gospel group.