100 or less Members

Church Profile

Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
6 Ashland St
Worcester, MA 01609
United States
Service Times
Sunday Service-10:00 a.m. Tuesday Bible Study- 6:00 p.m.
(508) 756-8754
Senior Pastor Josh Chambers

Our Mission

We desire to glorify Christ through our obedience to the Great Commission (Matt. 18-20).
The vision of PSBC is to see Worcester changed by the transforming power of the gospel. We intend to accomplish this in three ways: seeing people redeemed by Christ, raised up into mature believers in Christ, and released out on mission for Christ.

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About Pleasant Street Baptist Church

Pleasant Street Baptist Church is a Baptist church in Worcester Massachusetts. This Southern Baptist Convention church serves Worcester County MA - Senior Pastor Josh Chambers
Denomination / Affiliation: Southern Baptist Convention
Service and Sermon Style: Verse-by-Verse Teaching
Dress Style: casual
Average Age of Attendees: all-ages
Community Projects: 0-12
Primary Language: English


Church Ministries
Groups and Public Services
Counseling Services
We are currently planning to begin an ESL ministry. We are training volunteers and teachers and should begin early 2020.


THE BIBLE: We believe in the absolute authority, accuracy and inerrancy of the 66 books of the Bible; the full verbal inspiration of the original manuscripts and the all sufficiency and final authority of the Bible as the Christian’s Rule of Faith and Practice. GOD: We believe that there is but one God, the Creator, Preserver and Ruler of all things, who is perfect in holiness and love, infinite in wisdom and measureless in power, and who reveals himself to us as three distinct entities, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. JESUS CHRIST: We believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal and only begotten Son of God, conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, and that he is true God and true man and is the only Mediator between God and man. HOLY SPIRIT: We believe that the Holy Spirit is a divine Person, equal with the Father and the Son, and of the same substance and nature; that he convicts of sin, righteousness and judgment; that he bears witness to the church; that he is the agent of the new birth; that at conversion he baptizes the believer into the Body of Christ; and that he seals, endues, guides, teaches, witnesses to, sanctifies and helps the believer, indwelling every true child of God. MAN: We believe that man was created in the image of God by direct creation and that he originally lived in fellowship and communication with God. By man’s choice he sinned, breaking this fellowship and incurring both physical and spiritual death. Thus all human beings are sinners by nature and choice and are unable of themselves to re-establish fellowship with God. Apart from Christ all individuals shall be forever separated from God. JUSTIFICATION: We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures as a representative and substitutionary sacrifice and that all who believe on him are justified on the ground of his shed blood. SALVATION: We believe that salvation is by grace through faith, not of works, and that all who receive by faith the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior are born again of the Holy Spirit, thereby becoming children of God. We believe in the eternal security of the believer. RESURRECTION: We believe in the bodily resurrection of our crucified Lord, in his ascension into heaven and in his present ministry there for us as High Priest and Advocate. We believe in the bodily resurrection of the just, the bodily resurrection of the unjust, the everlasting conscious blessedness of the saved and the everlasting conscious punishment of the lost. LOCAL CHURCH: We believe that the local church is the local expression of the Body of Christ and is a voluntary association of baptized believers equal in rank and privilege, subject to the Word of God and Headship of Christ, and independent of any external ecclesiastical control whatsoever. BAPTISM: We believe that God’s Word commands every believer to be baptized. It is our conviction and practice that baptism is correctly administered by immersion in water. Though baptism has no saving merit, it shows forth in solemn and beautiful symbolism the believer’s faith in and union with the crucified, buried and risen Savior. THE LORD’S SUPPER: We believe that the Lord’s Supper is an ordinance of Christ, providing the bread and the cup as symbols of Christ’s broken body and shed blood; that the Lord’s Supper is to be partaken of by saved individuals in commemoration of the suffering and death of their Lord and in anticipation of his soon coming again; and that its observance is to be preceded by faithful self-examination. THE FAMILY: God has ordained the family as the foundational institution of human society. It is composed of persons related to one another by marriage, blood, or adoption. Marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in covenant commitment for a lifetime. It is God’s unique gift to reveal the union between Christ and His church and to provide for the man and the woman in marriage the framework for intimate companionship, the channel of sexual expression according to biblical standards, and the means for procreation of the human race. The husband and wife are of equal worth before God, since both are created in God’s image. The marriage relationship models the way God relates to His people. A husband is to love his wife as Christ loved the church. He has the God-given responsibility to provide for, to protect, and to lead his family. A wife is to submit herself graciously to the servant leadership of her husband even as the church willingly submits to the headship of Christ. She, being in the image of God as is her husband and thus equal to him, has the God-given responsibility to respect her husband and to serve as his helper in managing the household and nurturing the next generation. Children, from the moment of conception, are a blessing and heritage from the Lord. Parents are to demonstrate to their children God’s pattern for marriage. Parents are to teach their children spiritual and moral values and to lead them, through consistent lifestyle example and loving discipline, to make choices based on biblical truth. Children are to honor and obey their parents.
Primary Bible Version Used: English Standard Version
Baptism: Older Children/adults
Communion Frequency: Weekly
Eternal Security: No, Can't Lose
Healing and Charismatic Gifts: Ceased
Regularly Practice: Congregational Readings
We agree with these Doctrinal Statements: Apostles Creed Nicene Creed


Pleasant Street Baptist Church is a Baptist Church located in Zip Code 01609.

Church Profile Manager: Josh Chambers