101-500 Members
Church Profile
Service Times
Sunday Mornings @ 10:00am
Tuesday Nights Women's Prayer,Bible Study, and Dinner @ 6:30pm in church parsonage
Wednesday Morning prayer and praise in sanctuary @ 9:00am
Wednesday Night service @ 7:00pm
Wednesday Night Youth Service @ 7:00pm in youth rooom
The last Friday of every month-Men Prayer and Dinner @ 7:00pm
(225) 567-4006

Pastor Ben Stratton
Our Mission
We preach the full counsel of God. Our goal is to provide a place that every race will feel welcomed to come worship God and grow in the knowledge of God, so we can go out into the community and tell others about Jesus, so they too may be saved.
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About Albany Community Church
Pastor Ben Stratton started Albany Community Church in June 2006. The church members are hungry for the presense of God, and HE has shown up in every service. Boundages are being broken, Marriages are being restored, Chains of unforgiveness are being broken, people are being filled, and most important; people are being saved. Praise to The Lamb of God.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Other Christian
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Church Ministries
Small Groups
Recovery Group
Groups and Public Services
Counseling Services
Weddings and Receptions
We are praying about starting a christian school. God has not gave us clearity as of yet; however, when He does, we will act upon His lead.
We are just beginning a single moms group. Please come join the fellowship
We have a community Art/Crafts Fair once per year so that the community can have a place to go and enjoy a weekend full of fun, food, and entertainment.
We give book sacks out in August so needed children will have school supplies
Every June will provide Vacation Bible School for the children of the community
Every summer, our youth attends youth camps and many God encounters throughout the year
The young adults meet every 3rd Friday night of each month at 7:00pm for prayer, bible study, and games
We believe God is the head of the Church, The pastor is next, then the members. We believe in preaching the entire bible, without leaving any books out. We believe that one day, Jesus will split the eastern sky and the members of Christ will meet Him in the clouds. We believe the lost, will be left behind. We believe their is more than just being saved. We believe that a person can be baptized in the Holy Spirit. We believe that all wonders and signs in the old testament of the bible is still for today. We believe that we should hunger and thirst for rightousness to be filled with the Spirit. We beieve in walking the walk and talking the talk. We believe in the freedom to worship. We believe that a church is like a hospital, where people come to get healed by a touch from God. We believe that the alter is a place for sacrifices (To die to self) and return to the church seat, a new person.
Older Children/adults
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Regularly Practice
Albany Community Church is a Christian Church located in Zip Code 70744.