Church Profile
Service Times
Sunday - 10 am Worship and Children's Service
6pm - Bible Study
Our services are simple and straightforward. We use both contemporary songs, traditional hymns and even variations of the Psalms. We study a specific book together, usually working through the entire book until we finish it. We conclude each Sunday with a Question and Answer time for those in the congregation to ask about specifics of the message that they may like clarification about or any other issues about the Bible of the church in general. Please join us and take part in one of our services!
(574) 344-9434
Pastor Dave Wetterlund Jr.
Our Mission
We exist to Glorify God by Exalting Him, Edifying and Encouraging one another, and Engaging our Community!
Graceway Church is committed to being a God-Exalting, Christ-Centered, Spirit-Motivated, Word-Focused local body of Believers!
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About Graceway Church of Michiana
Graceway Church of Michiana exists in South Bend, IN for the purpose of Exalting our great God and Savior, Edifying and Encouraging believers and Engaging our Community.
Graceway Church is committed to being a God Exalting, Christ Centered, Spirit Motivated, Word Focused local body of Believers!
Denomination / Affiliation:
Service and Sermon Style:
Verse-by-Verse Teaching
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Primary Language:
Other Language Services:
God our Creator made us in His image
to fellowship with Him. We all sinned by
rejecting His words and trying to live
independent of Him. Because of our sin
we all deserve punishment: death and
separation from God. (Genesis 1:1;
Romans 3:10-11, 3:23, 5:12, 6:23)
The Gospel is the good news that God
sent His own Son Jesus to become a man.
Jesus was fully God and fully man and
never sinned. He died for our sins and
rose from the dead! By His death and
resurrection we can be freed from our
sins. Our sins are laid on Him and we
are treated as though we have never sinned.
(John 1:1-5, 3:16; 2 Corinthians 5:21)
One day God will judge everyone. Only
those who have accepted God’s free
gift of eternal life by trusting in Jesus
will be saved from eternal punishment!
(Revelation 20:11-15)
Today you can receive this good news,
the Gospel, if you confess that you are
a sinner, that Jesus is God, that He died
for your sins, that He rose from the
dead and that He alone is Lord. Pray to Jesus
and ask Him to save you from your sins
and to be your own personal Lord and Savior.
(Romans 10:9-10, 13)
Primary Bible Version Used:
English Standard Version
Older Children/adults
Communion Frequency:
Eternal Security:
No, Can't Lose
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Regularly Practice:
Congregational Readings
Graceway Church of Michiana is a Baptist Church located in Zip Code 46614.
Church Profile Manager: Dave Wetterlund Jr.