Church Profile
Service Times
Sunday School 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Worship 11:00 AM - Whenever God wills.
Bible Study
(765) 966-4254
Pastor Benjamin M. Smith
Our Mission
Our mission at Calvary Church is to participate in and create environments through which we can help develop healthy individuals, families, and communities with Jesus Christ.
While the church has been called to bring about greater spiritual health in the lives of people, we recognize that there are many other areas of life where people struggle to maintain their health. Every person, household, and community fights to maintain physical, financial, and emotional health as well. Our goal is to partner with other personalities and organizations who share our burden to minister to humanity. Together with Jesus Christ we can make a difference in our world.
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About Calvary Church
We are a United Pentecostal Church In Richmond, Indiana.
Denomination / Affiliation:
United Pentecostal Church International
Average Age of Attendees:
Church Ministries
Sunday School
Groups and Public Services
Counseling Services
Weddings and Receptions
- We believe that Jesus Christ embodied our mission perfectly. He came to seek and to save the lost, to minister to humanity, to declare the good news, and destroy the works of the enemy of our soul.
- We believe that Jesus has invited us to join Him in furthering His mission. Entrance into a relationship with Jesus Christ is more than inviting Him into our hearts and lives, but it requires we accept His invitation to be a part of His body in order to actively engage in the Kingdom of God on earth.
- To this end we embrace the salvation experience offered by the Apostle Peter in the New Testament book of Acts when he declared that the entrance into the New Covenant with God through Jesus Christ was through Repentance, Baptism in Jesus’ name, and the promise of receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost.
- Jesus Christ ushered the Kingdom of God into the earth. Jesus Christ is the fulness of God in a human body perfectly reflecting the image and divine characteristics of God for the purpose of redeeming and sanctifying humanity from sin.
- While we are saved by Grace, the call to join the body of Christ summons us to embrace a godly and righteous life. A godly and righteous life can only successfully be achieved through the continual work of the Spirit of Jesus Christ in our lives. It will be evidenced by the love we exhibit one for another and the ongoing reflection of His divine qualities, otherwise known as the Fruits of the Spirit.
- We regularly meet for collective worship experiences that welcome outward expressions of the thankfulness and desires of our heart. Worship and praise services should be lively and vibrant like the God we seek to honor and serve.
- The bible offers us the only static & unchanging guidelines for healthy, godly living.
- Prayer, both privately and collectively, provides opportunity for Jesus to interact with us in a more intimate and direct manner.
- The body of our doctrinal teachings mirror those embraced by the United Pentecostal Church International; namely One God revealed in Jesus Christ redeeming the world unto Himself. Obedience to the Gospel of Jesus Christ is observed through repentance, baptism in Jesus' name, and the infilling of the Holy Ghost.
- We have hope and comfort in the fact that Jesus Christ is returning for those who believe in Him and have responded to His offer of salvation from sin and are actively seeking His perfection in their lives.
Older Children/adults
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Regularly Practice
Calvary Church is a Pentecostal Church located in Zip Code 47374.
Church Profile Manager: Timothy Kendall