501-1000 Members
Church Profile
Service Times
9:15am and 11:15am
(765) 807-5443

Lead Pastor Zach Miller
Our Mission
We want people to experience Jesus’ life, love, healing and hope, grow to maturity in their faith, and live their lives in such a way that others around them also come to know, love and follow Jesus
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About Clear River Church
Clear River Church began with a group of 13 people who moved from Champaign, IL to Lafayette, IN, in the summer of 2006 to start a new church. Tony Ranvestel, our Planting Pastor, had been pursuing a career as a Tropical Biologist, but in 2002 felt God calling him to give up his career dreams and plant what is now Clear River Church.
In October of 2006 we held our first public Sunday service at Morton Community Center, near Purdue University’s campus in West Lafayette, IN. In just two years we outgrew that facility and our young church with a majority college students gave $100,000 to renovate an old auto body shop downtown Lafayette. From the spring of 2009 through 2014, Clear River Church continued to grow with many new families and college students who had encountered God and devoted themselves to following Jesus with us. After multiplying services and still needing more space, the next step was to build a building that would become a long-term home for Clear River Church, which we now occupy because of God’s provision through the sacrifice and generosity of the faithful Christians at the church.
Clear River Church is connected in a small, non-denominational network of several churches that share common vision and relationship and encourage and build one another up. The church is currently comprised of approximately one-half college students, and one-half people who live and work in the Lafayette/West Lafayette area. Our desire is that we would see people from all nations, ages, life-stages and lifestyles come to know, love and follow Jesus as passionate, sold-out disciples.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Other Christian
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Church Ministries
Small Groups
Clear River belongs to a network of churches that are unified in Bible beliefs, genuine friendship, and the shared purpose of making disciples and planting healthy, effective, relational local churches. We believe that true Christian unity only comes about by holding to the “whole counsel of God,” rather than simply trying to find a few things upon which we can agree. At the same time, we do not claim to be perfect in this affirmation of our beliefs. While they are communicated imperfectly, this document represents our best understanding of the teachings of the Bible and we believe these truths passionately. They are the grounds of our unity.
At the core of our beliefs is the good news of Jesus Christ—the wonderful truth that Jesus Christ was crucified and raised from the dead so that sinful people would trust in Jesus and be reconciled to God. This gospel is our primary passion and the driving influence in preaching, worship, small groups, prayer, and church planting. We hold to the absolute truth found in the Bible and, thus, we turn to the Bible on every area of what we believe, how we live, and how we participate in church life together. We believe that local churches are to be the primary means of inviting people to Jesus, making mature disciples, equipping people to serve, learning to worship, and planting new churches. All of this is done through local churches as is outlined in the Bible, so that people of all ages, cultures, and ethnicities will hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, being saved from their sins and reconciled to God.
Older Children/adults
Eternal Security:
No, Can't Lose
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Open But Cautious
Clear River Church is a Non-Denominational Church located in Zip Code 47901.
Church Profile Manager: Stephen Gooding