100 or less Members
Church Profile
Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
801 West 73rd Street
(Pleasant View Lutheran Church)
Indianapolis, IN 46216
United States
(Pleasant View Lutheran Church)
Indianapolis, IN 46216
United States
Service Times
Mass - Sundays at 5:30pm (at 801 West 73rd Street, Indianapoils, IN 46216)
Weekday Communion - Thursdays at 5:30pm (location to be determined)
Parish Office: 317-561-0463
For more information, please visit our website at
We are a Catholic Sacramental church offering 7 Sacaraments of Christ:
1) Sacrament of Baptism;
2) Sacrament of Confirmation;
3) Sacrament of Eucharist (Holy Communion);
4) Sacrament of Penance;
5) Sacrament of Marriage;
6) Sacrament of the Sick; and,
7) Sacrament of Holy Orders.
Once a month at mass we also offer Sacrament of the Sick when we offer Holy Eucharist. We also offer Sacrament of the Sick whenever requested (24hr/365) - call 317-561-0463 and leave name, phone number, address, and best time to visit. Both Fr Mark and Bro Jeff offer Sacrament of the Sick. If you have a preference, please note at the time of your call or if you reach voicemail, on voicemail.
The new parish will retain the name "St John XXIII Catholic Chuch" and will now be served by two clergy: Rev Fr Mark Poirier, OSB, Co-Pastor, and Rev Bro Jeffery Wolfe, OSFC, Co-Pastor.
if you have questions, write us at or call us at 317-561-0463.
(317) 561-0463
Wolfe, OSFC & Poirier, OSB, respectively
Our Mission
The Mission of “St John XXIII Catholic Church” is to respond to the command of Jesus the Christ, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit – To Teach, To Preach, To Sanctify and To Serve.
To Teach and To Preach love among All People through the Scriptures and the continued Revelation of the Holy Spirit, To Sanctify All People through the Celebration of the Sacrifice of the Mass and the Seven Sacraments. To Serve All People through the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy.
The Corporal Works Of Mercy: Feed the hungry; Give drink to the thirsty; Clothe the naked; Give shelter to the homeless; Visit the imprisoned; Care for the sick; and Bury the dead
The Spiritual Works Of Mercy: Instruct the ignorant; Advise the perplexed; Comfort the unhappy; Bear wrongs patiently; Forgive all injuries; and, Pray for the living and the dead.
Our Mission is further exemplified in the Prayer of Peace of our Patron Saint, St. Francis of Assisi: Lord, make the people of this Church an instrument of your peace; Where there is hatred, let us sow love; Where there is injury, let us pardon; Where there is doubt, let us show faith; Where there is despair, let us offer hope; Where there is darkness, let us bring light; and, where there is sadness, let us bring joy.
We ask the Divine Master to grant that we may not so much seek to be consoled as to console others; To be understood as to understand; To be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we will receive, it is in pardoning, that we will be pardoned, and it is in dying that we will be born to eternal life. This is the Mission of St John XXIII Catholic Church. Let its Bishops, Clergy, Seminarians, and Parishioners uphold this Mission, and be true to it in all they do, administering to all God’s People. Amen.
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About St John XXIII Catholic Church
St. John XXIII Catholic Church is a parish of the United American Catholic Church which embraces the teachings of the Roman Church as described in the 16 documents from Vatican II, led by Pope John XXIII. Pope John XXIII believed that Christ on the Cross had a very simple significance – his arms are wide open – welcoming ALL to his church. St John XXIII Catholic Church - God's inclusive love procalimed here.
We are a progressive Vatican II (2nd Edition Missal as approved by Vatican II) Catholic Church which strives to welcome all people of all different backgrounds and roots (Protestant, Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Independent) and our purpose is to provide to the Indianapolis community where all can worship in the Catholic tradition, while teaching and preaching love to all by our motto: “God's inlcusive love proclaimed here”
The United American Catholic Church is an independent catholic Church comprised of men and women from all walks of life who have chosen to follow Christ in the many-faceted Catholic tradition. We have been called to be a Church of hearers and doers of the Word. Explore our site and join us in the adventure of the love of Christ. Based in Virginia Beach, VA, the United American Catholic Church is led by presiding Bishop Tony Hash, Th.D. and has parishes in the continental United States and Mexico. For more information our website at
Denomination / Affiliation:
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Church Ministries
Small Groups
Recovery Group
Groups and Public Services
Counseling Services
Weddings and Receptions
In addition to a Parish Ministry, Weekly Mass, and Weekday Holy Communion service, we offer classes on Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) (classes which lead to conversion to the Catholic faith), a Music Ministry, Wedding services, Funeral services, Shut-Visitation; Hospital Visitation; Youth ministry, Rosary Ministry, Pre-Cana (pre-marriage) counseling, Pastoral Counseling, and more.
We also offer:
*Food Pantry;
*Counseling and Mental Health Referral
*HIV Referals;
*HIV Support Groups (through The Kristen Center (see
*AA Meetings
St. John XXIII Catholic Church
Established in 2011 as a Mission, St John XXIII is now a Catholic Church. Its mission is to provide a ministry to a currently under-served need in Indianapolis of lapsed Catholics (there are more Catholics than just Roman, but many of our members are former lapsed Roman Catholics).
St John XXIII Catholic Church is an independent Catholic Community providing a Catholic community where Vatican II (2nd Edition Missal) is practiced and promoted as initiated by Pope John XXIII and implemented by Pope Paul VI. We follow the 2nd Edition rather than the later 3rd edition as the 2nd Edition we feel is more inclusive, more open, and more faith-community based. We also believe it is a much more accurate translation than the latest 3rd Edition. .
St. John XXIII Catholic Church WELCOMES ALL (NO ONE for ANY reason from receiving the Holy Eucharist). ALL are welcome at our Mass regardless of status (divorced, single, married, gay, straight, bi-sexual, trans-gendered). We believe as Pope John XXIII did that Christ died for all, FOR ALL.
Eternal Security:
No, Can't Lose
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Regularly Practice
St John XXIII Catholic Church is a Catholic Church located in Zip Code 46216.
Church Profile Manager: Rev Bro Jeff & Rev Fr Mark Wolfe, OSFC & Poirier, OSB, respectively