Meet The Pastor

Pastor Williams was born again in November 1988. Upon his conversion he sensed the ‘call’ to Ministry. He enrolled at Northern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1989. He was licensed to preach in 1990, ordained in 1994 and graduated with a Masters of Divinity with an emphasis in Pastoral Care and Counseling in 1993. He completed a Chaplain Residency in 1995. Pastor Williams is married to his wonderful wife of 20 years, Mrs. Robette Tolden-Williams. They are the proud parents of three adult sons: Darvon, Ernes
Pastors Fred M. Williams Jr., M. Div.
Welcome! I greet each of you in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. During these years of pastoring at NewLife Ministry, I have come to discover something. I’ve discovered, by the grace of God, that I’ve been chosen to shepherd this flock. I’ve been chosen. I wasn’t chosen because of my abilities. I wasn’t chosen because of my personality. I wasn’t chosen because of my ‘good looks’,although about thirty years ago, I might have disagreed with that statement. I was chosen, by God, simply to serve Him and His people. Jesus said “And whosoever shall be chief among you, let him be your …even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many.” I give God all, the honor, the glory and the praise because He is the one who has chosen me to serve. Please pray for me as I continue to grow in grace and learn how to serve Him better, as a shepherd, day by day. Most of all, I thank God for blessing me to serve as an under shepherd under the Great Shepherd of the sheep.