Meet The Pastor

Pastor Don Whitecar
Pastor and Mrs. Don Whitecar came to Pocatello in 2018 to establish an independent Baptist church. Pastor Whitecar has a ministry based largely on going out to the people and bringing them to Christ. People are looking for a church that is concerned about them and their problems, and Pastor Whitecar wants Mountain Valley Baptist to be the church where people can find this thoughtfulness. The Whitecar family came to Pocatello after spending six years in Belize City, Belize in Central America. There they founded the “Independent Baptist Church of Belize City” in 2012. IBC is a thriving ministry today under the leadership of Pastor Rigoberto Blanco, who was reached and trained under the ministry of IBC. After the leadership of that ministry was passed on to Pastor Blanco, the Whitecar family answered God’s calling to move to Pocatello, Idaho. The Whitecars have three children, Elijah, Ezekiel and Sharon.