Church Profile
Service Times
Sunday at 11:00am
(208) 466-0682

Pastor / Elder Anders Snyder
Our Mission
To make Jesus Christ non-ignorable in Nampa and to the ends of the earth.
To glorify God by making joyful, passionate disciples of Jesus Christ.
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About Calvary Church Nampa
Calvary Church Nampa exists to make Jesus non-ignorable in Nampa and to the ends of the earth. We do this by making joyful passionate disciples of Jesus Christ in Nampa, Idaho.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Service and Sermon Style:
Verse-by-Verse Teaching
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Primary Language:
Church Ministries
Small Groups
There’s a God – One God. He is the creator of everything. We’re made in His image, which means we’re like Him in many ways, except that He’s God and we’re not. He’s loving and just and desires a relationship with us. As individuals with free will, we have the freedom to respond to the relationship God’s initiated with us, or not.
We’re free to choose to live outside the realm of the life God has for us as it’s explained in the Bible. Put another way, many choices we make either move us closer to God or further away from him. Making even seemingly small decisions that separate us from God is called sin. We all do it, and we’ll continue to do so. And, even then, God will love us and passionately pursue us.
God loves us so much, in fact, that He sent his only son, Jesus, to die so the rest of us could live. The cost of sin was separation from God—spiritual death—until Jesus came and his death paid everyone’s debt. That’s serious love. Because of that serious, perfect love, this gift from God is waiting for anyone who wants to receive it. This is called grace. God gives grace freely and abundantly.
As for us, we need only to decide whether or not to believe and receive this stuff. If we decide to believe it, we have available to us a new, full life that can start now and never stop. And it’s okay to have a lot of questions along the way. Although God reveals things to us (including what He’s revealed about himself in the Bible), he remains mysterious and wonderful.
Primary Bible Version Used:
English Standard Version
Older Children/adults
Communion Frequency:
Eternal Security:
No, Can't Lose
Regularly Practice:
Congregational Readings
Calvary Church Nampa is a Baptist Church located in Zip Code 83686.
Church Profile Manager: Jon Kempf