100 or less Members
Church Profile
Service Times
Adult and children's Sunday school is at 9:45 Sundays
Service is at 11:00 on Sunday
Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM
(208) 860-1486
Dr. Dr. Gail L. Graves
Our Mission
Sola scriptura is the old Anabaptist cry that means “Only Scripture”. This was in response to a time where church tradition was of more authority in civil and religious matters than the Bible. This was a time where the Word of God was not readily available to the common man as it is today. Anabaptist (which simply means rebaptiser) is the name given to believers who re-baptized those who had been sprinkled as a child. The Anabaptists strongly held to the position that salvation is by grace through faith. Biblically baptism was always a symbol of what had already happened when an individual understands the gospel message, repents and is born again by faith in Jesus Christ. It pictures the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, and identifies the believer with the church. Those who were baptized as a child had the wrong picture and were actually identifying their salvation with something that was done to them, so re-baptizing them was a necessary step to get the picture right. Today we simply have dropped the word ana and are called Baptists. Some may ask why Baptist, or Southern Baptist for that matter? The answer to that question has been said well in this statement; “in faith we are Christian, in doctrine we are Baptist, and in cooperation we are Southern Baptist” (anon.).
There are three distinctives that set Baptists apart from other denominations; Believers Baptism, Security of the Believer and the Priesthood of the Believer. Believers Baptism simply means that you are baptized as an act of obedience because you are saved; not for the purpose of getting saved. Baptism does not save people, only faith in Jesus can do that (Jn. 3:16). Security of the believer is based on what Jesus said of believers, that once you are in His hands nobody can take you out (Jn. 10:27-29). The Priesthood of the believer simply means that the believer represents God before men (as in the Great Commission in Matt. 28:28-30) and represents men before God in prayer (1 Pet. 2:9-10; 1 Tim. 2:1-6).
My family and I have been attending Anchor since 2009. We don't have any biological family here in Idaho but we have an amazing church family. You can feel the love the moment you walk in the door. We are a small church that teaches nothing but the bible. I was saved at...
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Welcome to Anchor Baptist Church!
We pray that you will join us in worship and that you will be as excited about His fellowship as we are. Bring your family and friends. We’re sure they will hear a word from God. Feel free to call Pastor Dr. G.L. Graves at 208-860-1486 or Thad Roduner at 208-898-0664 if you have any questions about Anchor Baptist Church, we would be delighted to visit with you about them.
Anchor Baptist Church is located at the corner of Columbia and Meridian Rd. in Kuna, ID
Denomination / Affiliation:
Southern Baptist Convention
Sola scriptura is the old Anabaptist cry that means “Only Scripture”. This was in response to a time where church tradition was of more authority in civil and religious matters than the Bible. This was a time where the Word of God was not readily available to the common man as it is today. Anabaptist (which simply means rebaptiser) is the name given to believers who re-baptized those who had been sprinkled as a child. The Anabaptists strongly held to the position that salvation is by grace through faith. Biblically baptism was always a symbol of what had already happened when an individual understands the gospel message, repents and is born again by faith in Jesus Christ. It pictures the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, and identifies the believer with the church. Those who were baptized as a child had the wrong picture and were actually identifying their salvation with something that was done to them, so re-baptizing them was a necessary step to get the picture right. Today we simply have dropped the word ana and are called Baptists. Some may ask why Baptist, or Southern Baptist for that matter? The answer to that question has been said well in this statement; “in faith we are Christian, in doctrine we are Baptist, and in cooperation we are Southern Baptist” (anon.).
Eternal Security:
No, Can't Lose
Anchor Baptist Church is a Baptist Church located in Zip Code 83642.
Church Profile Manager: Brian Neilson