Meet The Pastor

Reverend Dr. Mark J. Larson
Pastor Larson was born in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and was raised in a Christian home. He trusted in Jesus Christ as his Savior at an early age and soon felt that God was calling him to be a preacher and teacher of the Word of God. He earned a B.A. in Bible at Cedarville University, a Th.M. in systematic theology from Westminster Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. in historical theology from Calvin Theological Seminary. He has served the Lord as a teacher of Bible and theology in several schools and has been a pastor of established congregations and home mission works in Wisconsin, Michigan, and South Carolina. He is the author of Calvin’s Doctrine of the State and Abraham Kuyper, Conservatism, and Church and State. He contributed chapters to Church and School in Early Modern Protestantism and Biblical Interpretation and Doctrinal Formulation in the Reformed Tradition. He has also been published in the Puritan Reformed Journal, Reformation and Renaissance Review, Journal of Presbyterian History, Bibliotheca Sacra, Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology, Westminster Theological Journal, The Outlook, The Banner of Truth, Christian Renewal, and New Horizons. He is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society. He and his wife have four children and one grandson.