Meet The Pastor

The Ridge Lead Pastor Mike Van Rees
Lead Pastor Mike Van Rees
Welcome to Prairie Ridge Church, where you are invited to come as you are and experience God as He is. You are important to us because you are important to God. Before 1998, Prairie Ridge Church was not a name, a place, or a people. It was just a dream, only a vision. A vision of a church that would be both culturally relevant and biblically pure. A vision of a church that is a blessing to the local community. A vision of a people using their God-given gifts to make a spiritual difference. A vision of a church that reaches the lost and builds the found into fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. And today, that dream is becoming a reality. The purpose of our Sunday worship service is simple: relevant worship and biblical teaching. One of the biblical roles of the church is the large group worship experience...a time to experience God, praise God, and to listen to God. But there is more. What you experience at worship is only a small part of the full life of Prairie Ridge. If you'd like to develop authentic and enduring relationships with others, a few minutes on a Sunday morning will not be enough. We invite you to build healthy relationships through small groups, classes, studies, triads, or serving areas. Together, we are striving to become the kind of church described in the Bible: a church with relevant teaching, heart-felt worship, authentic relationships, joy-filled living, and compassionate care. In short, we'd like to have the kind of contagious Christianity that can influence and encourage the entire community, one life at a time. So, whether you're someone who's just starting to ask questions about God, or a committed Christian who wants to sink the roots of your faith even deeper and join in God's Kingdom mission, you can find a home here at Prairie Ridge. I hope you will be our guest soon.