100 or less Members

Church Profile

Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
4500 Doss Circle
Powder Springs, GA 30127
United States
Service Times
Sunday Morning: 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Evening: 6:30 p.m.
Pastor Jerry Slate, Jr.

Our Mission

Berean Baptist Church exists to fill the earth with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters fill the sea (Habakkuk 2:14). We are a confessional Reformed Baptist congregation that strictly subscribes to the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith (1677/89) as an authoritative summary of the theology contained in the Holy Scriptures. Our aim is to glorify God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit through the faithful proclamation of His Word, the evangelization of the lost, and the sanctification of His people. It is our desire to recover and walk in the old paths that our protestant forefathers believed and taught, the faith once for all delivered to the saints (Jer. 6:16, Jude 3). We fervently believe that the recovery of the old evangelicalism preached with fresh power from the Holy Spirit is needed for a new awakening in our culture and in our world. Therefore by God’s grace we cling tenaciously to the sole authority of God’s inspired, infallible, inerrant, and all sufficient Word. We proclaim salvation from sin and the wrath that is to come by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone to the glory of God alone. We rejoice in the doctrines of free and sovereign grace and desire that the Lord would use these glorious truths to purify our evangelistic labors and to make us bold in our witness to the transforming power of the gospel. In our public worship we desire that our God would be exalted and well pleased with the adoration and praise we offer to Him through His Son.

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About Berean Baptist Church

Berean Baptist Church is a confessional Reformed Baptist ministry that assembles each Lord's Day in Powder Springs, Georgia. We exist to glorify God through the proclamation of His truth, the pursuit of evangelical holiness, the propagation of loving unity among His people, and the evangelizing of the world. It is our desire to recover and walk in the old paths that our protestant forefathers believed and taught, the faith once for all delivered to the saints (Jeremiah 6:16; Jude 3). We fervently believe that the recovery of the old evangelicalism preached with fresh power from the Holy Spirit is needed for a new awakening in our culture and in our world.
Denomination / Affiliation: Reformed
Service and Sermon Style: Verse-by-Verse Teaching
Primary Language: English


We affirm our faith in the plenary verbal inspiration of all sixty-six books of the Holy Bible (2 Tim. 3:16). This blessed book, though written by men, is the very Word of God; for men wrote as they were moved to do so by the Holy Spirit (2 Pet. 1:20-21). We therefore affirm our belief in the absolute infallibility and inerrancy of the Holy Scriptures as given in the original autographs (Ps. 119:140, 160), and we believe that God has providentially preserved His Word throughout history so that we may confidently assert that we presently have authoritative copies of the Scriptures (Ps. 12:6-7; Mt. 5:17-18). Furthermore, we believe in the sufficiency of the Holy Bible for all matters of faith and conduct. God’s Word is sufficient to make men wise unto salvation through faith in Jesus Christ (2 Tim. 3:15) and it is sufficient to sanctify the saints, making them complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work (Jn. 17:17; 2 Tim. 3:16-17; 2 Pet. 1:2-4). We believe that God’s Word alone can bind the consciences of men and therefore all theological and moral controversies must ultimately be settled by the sound interpretation of the Holy Bible (Acts 17:10-12; 1 Thess. 2:13). Our consciences are captive to the Word of God. Here we take our stand. As an accurate expression of our interpretation of the teachings of the Holy Scriptures, our church fully/strictly subscribes to The Second London Baptist Confession of Faith (1677/89) as defined, clarified, and supplemented by a document adopted by our church called The Doctrine and Distinctives of Berean Baptist Church. While we do not claim perfection nor exhaustiveness of expression for these documents, we do believe that they are accurate summaries of the doctrines taught in the Holy Scriptures. Each elder, deacon, and gifted brother in our church is required to publicly reaffirm in writing his full subscription to our articles of faith on an annual basis. While our members are not required to fully subscribe to our articles of faith they must recognize and respect them by not promoting, publicly or privately, any doctrine that is contrary to either document.
Baptism: Older Children/adults
Communion Frequency: Monthly
Eternal Security: No, Can't Lose
Healing and Charismatic Gifts: Ceased
We agree with these Doctrinal Statements: Nicene Creed


Berean Baptist Church is a Reformed Church located in Zip Code 30127.

Church Profile Manager: Jerry Slate, Jr.