Church Profile
Service Times
Sunday Worship: 10:30-12:00
Prayer Meeting: Thursday 7PM
Young Adult Meeting: Monday 7:30PM
(470) 294-2484

Nathanael LHeureux
Our Mission
We exist to be:
Passionately Loving God – God is Love and understanding and experiencing God’s sacrificial love for us is vital to the life of a believer. It transforms us and enables us to know him personally and love and worship God passionately.
Sacrificially Loving Others – Jesus Christ died for us so that we don’t have to die for our sin. His sacrificial love for us not only gives us an example that true love “gives” but transforms us and enables us to sacrifically love others. Christ’s love for us enables us to reach out to a lost and hurting world with the hope of new life in Jesus and sacrificially give of our lives, time and resources.
Unified in Diversity – God is three distinct persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who are completely unified in essence and purpose – unity in diversity. In heaven, all nations will worship God together and on earth, God is the God of all nations. We strive to represent a slice of heaven where people of different races, nations, languages and ethnicities can be united in worshipping Jesus and serving others.
Inviting and Training – Christ has called us to follow him and has changed us, forgiven us and trained us to live life to the fullest. We are called to invite others into this new life of hope and as God transforms them, our purpose is to prepare believers to fulfill their God-given purpose.
Empowering – God’s word declares that healing, signs and wonders are to be a part of normal Christian life. He gives us his Holy Spirit to each one and we are devoted to lead each one to discover their spiritual gifts and walk in God’s promises.
Relational – God’s commands – love God and love others – are all about relationship. We are called not to follow God by ourselves, but he has called us to be a part of his family. The church is his family and we exist to strengthen, support and encourage one another, connecting with one another in meaningful relationships.
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About Discipleship International Church
We are a diverse group of people who have experienced forgiveness, healing, hope, purpose, and belonging in Jesus.
Jesus meets us where we are, and we aim to meet others where they are at, share the amazing experience of God's forgiveness, healing for the sick or hurt, hope for those who are feeling lost, the specific purpose that God created each person for, and belonging to God and to his people.
We desire not just to exist, but to grow, and transform the world by God's love and power.
In each area, passionate worship, engaging youth programs, moving and encouraging messages, and connecting small groups, our goal is to expand the kingdom of God in our lives, neighborhoods, work places, and schools and bring glory to God.
We invite you to join us to be a part of Jesus' mission to change the world!
Denomination / Affiliation:
Service and Sermon Style:
Spirit-led Preaching
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Primary Language:
Other Language Services:
Church Ministries
Sunday School
Small Groups
Groups and Public Services
Counseling Services
Refugee Settlement
Primary Bible Version Used:
New International Version
Older Children/adults
Communion Frequency:
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Regularly Practice
Regularly Practice:
Prayers for Healing
Discipleship International Church is a Non-Denominational Church located in Zip Code 30093.
Church Profile Manager: Nathanael LHeureux