Meet The Pastor

Dr. Sandra G. Kennedy
Dr. Sandra Kennedy is the founder and president of Sandra Kennedy Ministries, as well as the founder and Senior Pastor of Whole Life Ministries.
A graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Dr. Kennedy is one of the first women in the nation to be ordained by the Southern Baptist Convention. Whole Life Ministries is a non-denominational, full gospel church with a global mission located in Augusta, Georgia. Dr. Kennedy, along with Whole Life Ministries, has established a reputation of trust and integrity, and both are regarded as pillars of the community.
Dr. Kennedy was given a mandate by God to “grow up the Body of Christ and teach them victory”, addressing the whole man: spirit, soul, and body. This mandate is evident in every facet of Dr. Kennedy’s ministry, and is conveyed through her teachings, television programs, books and conferences. Dr. Kennedy is passionate about teaching the Body of Christ to live victoriously by applying the Word of God to their lives, both individually and corporately.