Church Profile
Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
2321 Lumpkin Road
St. Alban's Episcopal Church Chapel
Augusta, GA 30906
United States
St. Alban's Episcopal Church Chapel
Augusta, GA 30906
United States
Service Times
Mass - Sunday at 3:00 PM
(803) 634-2029
Bishop Right Rev. Gregory W. Godsey
Our Mission
All of the Sacraments, None of the Guilt!
Our church seek to reach the least, lost and forgotten of society. We are open and inclusive. Everyone is welcome to participate fully in the liturgy regardless of their gender, creed, social status, sexual identity, orientation or past experiences.
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About Saint Francis Old Catholic Church
All of the Sacraments - None of the Guilt!
We are an Old Catholic Church in Augusta Georgia that is affirming and inclusive of all people. We do not exclude anyone. All are welcome to come and participate. We practice an open communion, so all are welcome to fully participate in our liturgies.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Service and Sermon Style:
Catholic Mass
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Primary Language:
Church Ministries
Small Groups
Groups and Public Services
Counseling Services
Weddings and Receptions
Confession (Catholic)
Radio or TV Program
Our faith is as follows:
We believe Sacred Scripture as interpreted by the Church, together with the Seven Undisputed General Councils of the Whole Church, together with doctrines believed by the Church as a whole prior to the Great Schism of 1054, as defining the belief of the Whole Church. Every person wishing to become a member of this Church must affirm this Faith as contained in the articles below.
We affirm the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as interpreted by the Church, as containing everything that is necessary for salvation, and as being the rule and ultimate statement of the Faith of the Church.
We accept the Canon of Scripture as handed down from of Old, including the deuterocanonical books and passages commonly found in the Catholic and Orthodox Bible.
We affirm the “Nicene Creed” as the principal creed of the Faith of the Church. We also recognize the Western Baptismal Creed, commonly called the “Apostles Creed,” and the hymn commonly called the “Athanasian Creed” as representing statements of the Nicene Faith.
We believe that the Nicene Creed is a literal statement of the belief of the Church and is not subject to interpretation which dismisses as merely allegorical or merely mythological any portion thereof.
We affirm the Seven Sacraments Baptism, Holy Eucharist, Confirmation, Holy Order, Holy Matrimony, Penance and Holy Unction administered with the unfailing use of the traditional outward and visible signs, and the form, matter, ministers and intention received of old.
We affirm the Historic three-fold ministry of Bishops, priests and deacons, and the traditional rights and powers thereof, locally adapted in the methods of its administration according to the needs of the nations in which the Church resides, but historic in form, matter, ministers and intention.
We affirm that the Diaconate, Priesthood and Episcopate is open to all people – Male or Female, LGBT or Straight, Black or White, Married or Celibate.
We affirm the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Eucharist when the Eucharist is performed by a validly ordained Priest of the Holy Catholic Church, with the elements ordained by Christ, and a valid Canon of the Mass including Christ’s Words of Institution and the Epiklesis.
We affirm that those who receive the Sacraments unworthily do so to their detriment, but do so without effecting the nature or efficacy of the Sacrament itself.
We affirm that the unworthiness of a minister of a Sacrament does not invalidate the Sacrament, but, rather, that a Sacrament performed with the proper matter and form, and with the intention of the Church to make such action a Sacrament, remains valid, whether or not the minister is worthy to administer that Sacrament.
We affirm that marriage, conducted as a Sacrament, with the full understanding and intention of both parties to make a marriage, is indissoluble except by death. However, we believe that the Church may annul “marriages” which have taken place without full understanding and intention of the parties involved, and counsel that error be made on the side of compassion for those seeking to make marriages after divorce.
We affirm openness to all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, including the so-called “Charismata,” but finding it unscriptural to require that anyone exercise any particular Charism to be considered a full, believing member of this body. (I Corinthians 12:21) Those who exercise the Charismata are welcome and encouraged to exercise their gifts to the edification of the Church in an orderly, Biblical manner, subject to the godly discipline of the Pastor of the Parish to which they have allegiance.
We believe that humans are truly endowed with free-will and can freely choose Life in Christ Jesus or death through the rejection of grace.
We believe that people are justified by faith, which is demonstrated in good works and obedient practice. Both faith and works are necessary to the living of a Christian life.
We believe that there is a “cloud of witnesses,” the Saints, whom we may ask to pray for us as one would ask any other member of the Church. It is an idolatrous practice, however, to ask Saints to give us any material or physical blessing of their own. For, while the prayer of the righteous is very effective (James 5:16), yet every good thing comes from the Father (James 1:17).
We believe that the “Sacrifice of the Mass” is a “making present” of Jesus’ One Sacrifice, once offered, forever. Jesus’ Sacrifice is made present on the altar, and, as such, the Mass may be spoken of as a Sacrifice. Therefore, it is appropriate that Masses be offered for the living and the dead, making present to the Church now the One Sacrifice once offered, and making very present the benefits of Christ’s Holy Sacrifice to the benefit of those present at the offering.
We believe that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was truly the Theotokos, or bearer of the Incarnation of the Second Person of the Trinity. When Mary is called “Mother of God”, we truly honor her who gave everything of herself to secure our Salvation. However, the Theotokos is called “Mother of God” in the sense that she bore Jesus, who was and is the Incarnation of the Son, not in the sense that she generated, in any way, the Godhead.
We believe that the prayers of the Blessed Virgin are effective because of her great and unique faith, and because she has a relationship which is unique with God from having been the bearer of the Son. This relationship, which exists between Jesus and His mother, is the same relationship Jesus wants to have with all believers.
We believe that all Bishops who have valid orders and remain in the orthodox faith, are successors of the Apostles, and, while we accord to the Bishop of Rome great respect, and primacy of position, we see him as first among equals, however, we completely reject the Papal Claims of Universal Jurisdiction and Infallibility.
We believe that faithful Christian Marriage between two loving adults, free of impediments, is the only legitimate state for sexual expression between individuals.
We believe that whatsoever is not repugnant to the Catholic Faith, but which aids in belief and devotion, may be believed as pious opinion, but may not be taught as doctrine of the Church.
We affirm that the Eucharist is the principal service of the Church; that its celebration is commanded by the Lord, and that it shall be the regularly celebrated Sunday Worship whenever possible.
Primary Bible Version Used:
Multiple Versions Used
Communion Frequency:
Eternal Security:
Yes, Can Lose
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Open But Cautious
Regularly Practice:
Praying the Lord’s Prayer
Saint Francis Old Catholic Church is a Catholic Church located in Zip Code 30906.
Church Profile Manager: Gregory Godsey