Meet The Pastor

The Most Rev Dr. Anthony J M Burns of Child Jesus
Evangelical Marian Catholic Church
Franciscan Brothers of St. Michael
In the beginning inspired by the Holy spirit to establish congregation
The Most Reverend Anthony J M. Burns DD ThD PhD FBSM Patriarch
The Lord has brought us through many hardships and many trials and I’m sure there’s more ahead.
I’m confident which the aid of the Divine Mercy of Jesus, the
Intercession of Mary His mother, Saint Joseph,
And through the Holy Spirit We will weather all the storms that life brings us. So God willing,
We will be found worthy to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
A brief and short history of Patriarch Burns
I knew at an early age that I would be a priest.
Altar Boy in Byzantine Catholic Church 1971 till 1986
Spent 2 years with the Benedictines and found I was not of that spirit.
I entered the Franciscan monastery in October 1990
We are always given a religious name. Mine is Brother Mary Anthony of the Child Jesus.
On December 23 1991 I entered novitiate first profession of Vows December 26 1992.
Installed as cleric on December 8 1995. Received all minor orders with final Vows
January 6 1996 I was ordained to Sub deacon, deacon On August 17 1996
Left monastery in 1997 joined the Franciscan Brothers of Saint Michael.
In 1999 Received My First DD and was Made Bishop by WCM I knew they were not Catholics. It was necessary so I could do my ministry, later I received BD and second DD from ULC
And was made Bishop with them as well but it was not over. I knew I needed to have Apostolic Succession to say Mass and to fulfill my Priestly function, I met
His Holiness, -Mar+ Markus I in March in April 2003 was made Archpriest Byzantine Catholic Church
I lost Contact with His Grace do to a lot of moving around lost paperwork. So I sent out many
Letters and Emails till Patriarch of the Independent Catholic Union + Bruce D. Campbell
Replied and let me Join I-C-U and Gave Permission to say Mass and sent me to
Be under +Michael E. Holliday, Holy Trinity Celtic Mission so I was made a Priest
In the Catholic Celtic Right February 17 2004 shortly after Bishop Holliday broke with the ICU
Joining the Province of Orthodox Churches under His Excellency Bishop Theodore DD.
Then I went to New York and on May 4 2004 was Ordained Deacon and Presbyter according
To the Right of One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church Orthodox and on May 8 2004
During the Celebration of the Most Holy Divine Liturgy by Power of The Holy Spirit Acting Through
Bishop Kirk Paul Mason DD and Bishop Robert H Martin, I was Consecrated Bishop/Archbishop
Then I met The Most Rev. Irl A. Gladfelter, O. C. R. and
The Most Reverend Tan Binh Phan Nguyen, Ms DD on 30th of Dec 2004
I was Sub condition Ordained Bishop. And Archbishop for Evangelical Maronite Catholic Church
Due to Opposition, changed the name of the church to Evangelical Marian Catholic Church.
My vocation springs first and foremost from living out my baptismal call,
Which has been nurtured and challenged by a vast Array of people and experiences in my life.
My life was also deeply formed by years of working with the homeless poor and developmentally disabled.
I continue to be reminded that these people gave more to who I am than
I could have ever have been able to do for them. This awakened within me questions of how
I could serve people in other ways, which eventually led me to discern a vocation to priestly ministry.
Due to many moves, paper work gets lost, so here are a few things I had to do and pass in the formation Process
Texts used during the formation Process: For Ordination
For the Diocese of Mary Our Queen
Under His Excellency Archbishop Bishop James J Mannion D.D.
De Sales Catholic Adult Video Education Series 16 Clock Hrs
The Benedictines By Dom David Knowles & Introduction by Marion R. Bowman OSB
Abbot of St Leo Abbey
Catholicism " by Richard P. McBrien
Diakonia, vol. 22, no., 3 Eastern Christianity.,
Personality Disorders Using the Enneagram, Don R.Riso
Ascend to the Father, Marytown
Question/'Answer Catechism, Fr Hardon, SJ
The Church At Prayer by A. G. Martimort
Strategies for-Growth in Religious life, G. A. Arbuckle, SM, Ph.D.,
The Maronites, Wadih Peter Tayah, Ph.D.
Franciscan Omnibus of Sources, Damien Isabell OFM
Workbook to the Omnibus of Franciscan Studies, Damien Isabell, OFM
Francsican Charism, Father Anselm Romb,OFM Conv.'*
The Jerome Biblical Commentary
OLD AND New Testament 427 Clock Hrs
Jesus, Our Eucharistic Lord, R. S. Manelli, OFM Conv.; S,.T.D., J.C.D.
A New Star of the East, Archbishop Francis M. Zayek, S.T.D., J.C.D.
The Call of the Desert, Archbishop Francis M.Zayek, S.T.D., J.C.D.
Mary, Cedar of our Catholic Faith, Archbishop Francis M. Zayek, S.T.D., J.C.D.
The Lover of Mankind, J.A. Nader, C.B.,
Treasures in Earthen Vessels: The Vow's, Sr. Joyce Ridick, S.S.C., Ph.D.
The Enneagram, Beesing
Mary Ship of Treasures, Ronald N.Beshara.S.T.L., J.C.L.
Latin Grammar Vol. I & 2 Scanlon
Book of Maronite Blessings
The Externals of the Catholic Church, Rev. John S. Sullivan, DD.,
History of the Maronites, Butros D.
College Moral Theology, Alexander
Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, Dr. Ludwig Ott
Key of Heaven
by Arthur J Scanlan S.T.D.
Vatican II Documents, Abbott
Vatican II Documents, Flannery
The New Latin Code of Canon Law and Eastern Catholics-
Monsignor John Faris
Advanced Study Code of Canon Law
History of the Maronite Church, Most. Rev. Pierre Dib
Explanation of the Rule of the Friars Minor, Rev.:J. Ilg, OFM
Origins of the Franciscan Order, Cajetan Esser,OFM
Orthodoxy Code of Canon Law
Becoming a Person In The Whole Christ, M.G. Carroll
Fioretti, R. Raphael Brown, OFM
Little Catechism of the Cure of Ars, J. Vianney
Humility of the Heart, Fr. Cajetan M.diBergano
The Angels are Waiting, Payne, ORC
Faith of the Mountain-all volumes
Being a Maronite Catholic, Ron Beshara
The Rosary: Great Weapon of the 20 Century
Franciscan Community Life, Fr.Anselm Romb,OFM Conv.,
The Communion of Catholic Churches: Terminology and Ecclesiology,
Monsignor John Faris
Following of Christ by Thomas A Kempis
St.Francis of Assisi Omnibus of Surces
The Franciscan Charisma in the Third Millennium By Fr.Anselm W.Romb OFM CONV.
Tales of St. Francis Murray BoDo OFM
Spirit Express Course
Making Moral Decisions in an Ecumenical
Advanced Study of Christian Scriptures
Advanced Study of Hebrew Scriptures
Religious Traditions in the Modern World
Development of Religious Life and thought
Trends in Ministry
Acts of The Apostles
New Testament I
Gospel Narratives
Old Testament 1
Advanced Study Orthodoxy
Advanced Study Christian Counseling Healing the Mind:
The Nexus between Contemporary Psychology and Eastern Christian Practice
by Erik Bohlin, M.A., LMHC
When Hearts Become Flame
An Eastern Orthodox Approach to the dia-Logos of Pastoral Counseling
Christian Counseling I & Christian Counseling 11