101-500 Members
Church Profile
Service Times
Sunday, 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM
(772) 567-4341

Pastors Joe LaGuardia, DMIN
Our Mission
Our Mission is the Worship of God--to be disciples who make disciples for Jesus
Our mission is the worship of God. In obedience to Him, worship includes reaching out and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, equipping our members for discipleship, and demonstrating Christ’s love through ministry and fellowship.
A bible based church, where the good news is preached and taught every Sunday and Wednesday! Pastor LaGuardia is warm, caring, and passionate. His preaching is the same! Many opportunities to get involved and be part of this community.

I have been attending First Baptist fir a couple of years. I felt welcome from the first Sunday. The congregation is so warm and Pastor Joe is a great pastor. He is well educated (PhD) but his sermons are relatable and speaks to your heart every week. I was so happy that I...
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Christ centered, caring, friendly. All are welcomed to experience Christ love. We worship through studying Gods word, music, fellowship and discipleship. Wonderful place to connect with Gods people.
About First Baptist Church of Vero Beach
All are welcome to First Baptist Church, where we celebrate God's love for all, change lives, and empower people for ministry in their neighborhood and the world. Come to FBC to learn how to follow Jesus, be in ministry, get Bible-based worship experiences, and go on mission. Worship in our contemporary 8:30 AM or traditional 10:30 AM services, or catch our live stream services on our website. We welcome everyone to be on mission with us as we seek to be the presence of Christ in downtown Vero Beach.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Southern Baptist Convention
Service and Sermon Style:
Spirit-led Preaching
Dress Style:
Community Projects:
Primary Language:
First Baptist Church affirms the 1963 Southern Baptist Convention Baptist Faith and Message. We partner with various mission-sending organizations, including the Treasure Coast Baptist Association, the Southern Baptist Convention, and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. We are Baptist in tradition, liturgical in worship, inclusive in ministry, and ecumenical in missions.
Communion Frequency:
Eternal Security:
No, Can't Lose
Regularly Practice:
Altar Call or Invitation
First Baptist Church of Vero Beach is a Christian Church located in Zip Code 32960.
Church Profile Manager: Joseph LaGuardia