Meet The Pastor

Pastor Troy Hamilton
Troy was born in Texas, but moved to Niceville in 1987 at the age of 14. He completed his bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies at Cedarville University in 1995 before disappearing into the jungle of Mindanao, the Philippines, and the bush of Mozambique, Africa, for three years of evangelism and church planting. Troy met his lovely wife Beth (who grew up in Africa) while working on his master’s degree at Columbia Biblical Seminary in South Carolina. After getting engaged on a row-boat on Rocky Bayou several hours before Y2K, Troy and Beth married in 2000 and served on staff at their church in South Carolina for four years before moving to Central Asia to lead a missions team with the International Mission Board. They served as IMB missionaries for twelve years, ministering in a war-torn part of Central Asia for six years and then later basing out of London, England. During this time Troy pursued a Master of Divinity from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The Lord called Troy full-circle back to Niceville, where he began serving as senior pastor at Rocky in April, 2016. He enjoys paddle boarding and spending time with Beth and their three children: Grace, Timmy, and Christine.