Meet The Pastor

Rev. Dr. Dr. Frank Garofalo, Sr.
Fellow worker's on His Mission! That being, to prepare and to make ready the Church for the eminent, soon, and quick return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ-have us ready for the rapture. To perfect the saints of God for this purpose, and to tell the world (beginning in our own town and city) about Jesus Christ, and his soon coming.
We're here to study, pray, teach, and to live holy blameless lives before Christ in anticipation for His return. The Woodworker's Church is a Full Gospel Church who should be the beacon of the light of Christ as an end time Church-bringing salvation to many people.
We believe this mission can best be accomplished through our four Core Values: Repent, Prepare, Make Ready, and Glorify Our Savior. It is our hope that you will find a place with us in fulfilling His mission.