101-500 Members

Church Profile

Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
439 E. Fifth Avenue
Mount Dora, FL 32757
United States
Service Times
Our traditional services at 8:00 and 11:00 am feature our Celebration Choir and our pipe organ. Our contemporary service at 9:30 am features our praise team. Kids Church is offered at 9:30 am and Bible Fun at 11:00 am. Adult Bible studies meet at 9:30 and 11:00 am on Sundays and throughout the week.
(352) 383-2005
Rev. Dr. David Averill

Our Mission

Loving God, Loving Others
OUR MISSION (What we do) First United Methodist Church of Mt. Dora will Love God by -nurturing one another in our faith walk. -gathering for worship and celebration for the glory of God. -supporting one another in Christian friendship. Love Neighbors by -sharing our faith in Jesus Christ through invitation -witnessing to the love of God through hospitality -welcoming a beloved community of Jesus followers from many of walks of life who are blessed by the diversity of God’s Kingdom OUR VALUES (Who we are) -honoring warm-hearted, traditional Methodist beliefs, customs, and celebrations -staying faithful in our commitments -welcoming our neighbors -recognizing everyone has something to offer (gifts-based ministry and service) -over-investing in the young (a special emphasis on family ministries) -agreeing to disagree agreeably. OUR VISION (What God has called us to become) We are called as a church to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with East Lake County with our heart, hands, and head. We will become an intergenerational and intercultural community that loves God through vital worship, life-changing small groups, and life-giving friendships. In response to our love of God, we will love our neighbors by helping and hosting in Jesus’s name.

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About First United Methodist Church of Mount Dora

We are a traditional congregation that believes in the power of worship, Bible study, and service. We are active in our local community and around the world.
Denomination / Affiliation: United Methodist
Service and Sermon Style: Topical Sermons
Dress Style: casual
Average Age of Attendees: 40-50
Community Projects: Over-24
Primary Language: English


Church Ministries
Sunday School
Small Groups
Groups and Public Services
Weddings and Receptions
Vacation Bible School
All of our activities are open to the public. Complete list at


Primary Bible Version Used: Multiple Versions Used
Baptism: Both
Communion Frequency: Monthly
Regularly Practice: Praying the Lord’s Prayer
We agree with these Doctrinal Statements: Apostles Creed Nicene Creed


First United Methodist Church of Mount Dora is a Methodist Church located in Zip Code 32757.

Church Profile Manager: Janet Westlake