101-500 Members
Church Profile
Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
1800 West Hibiscus Blvd.
Melbourne, FL 32901
United States
Melbourne, FL 32901
United States
Service Times
10:30 AM Sundays
(419) 350-8842
Terry Eckel
Our Mission
Love God, Love Others, Live It
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About CoastCity Church
Our mission is to Love God, Love Others, Live It. Your experience at CoastCity Church begins with relevant, familiar and engaging music followed by a message that's Biblically-based and relevant to your life. We hope to reach unchurched and spiritually restless people looking for a Sunday morning experience where they can relax and enjoy a positive service. We don't expect you to sing or clap if you don't feel like doing so. Free coffee or lemonade is provided depending on the season. We meet at a beautiful 10-screen movie theater at 10:00 am every Sunday.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Other Christian
Dress Style:
Church Ministries
Sunday School
Small Groups
We hold to the ancient faith as introduced in the Hebrew Scriptures, revealed in Jesus, and proclaimed by His first followers in what is known as the New Testament. A few essential beliefs include: -There is only one true God who exists as one entity in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - all actively operating in complete unity to bring salvation to people and restoration to the world. -The Bible faithfully presents God the Creator as Living, Personal, Relational, Good, and Loving. Jesus revealed Him as Father and completely worthy of our trust. -Jesus, being in nature God, give up his divine privileges and took on the humble position of a servant to be born human. He lived innocently, died unjustly, but rose again to conquer sin and death. -The Holy Spirit is God's presence within mankind and convicts all people of sin. For believers the Spirit renews the soul, empowers Christ-like living, imparts spiritual gifts and guides into all truth. -The Bible is God's Word to all people. Through letters and narratives inspired by His Spirit it communicates inherent truth and teachings that reveal who God is, the way of salvation, and how He wants us to live today. -People were created to exist forever. We have a choice to either live forever with God through forgiveness and salvation which is found in Jesus Christ, or to be eternally separated from God by sin (hell). God honors each person's choice for forgiveness or separation. -People were created in the image of God to have a relationship with Him. Sin disrupts that relationship but God loves each of us so much that he provides a way for our redemption. -Salvation has nothing to do with how good or bad we are. It is a gift from God and cannot be earned through our own efforts. Individual salvation is accessed when people place their faith in the death and resurrection of Christ as sufficient payment for their sin. -Jesus' resurrection began the process of restoring the world at all levels by bringing His kingdom to earth. The renewal of all things will be complete when Christ returns. -The church is not a building. It is a universal body of believers as well as a local community of people unified through faith in Christ, commitment to His teachings and dedication to His mission of expressing God's love and salvation to the world. -In non-essential beliefs (issues in which there is no clear direction from the Bible), we have liberty to seek God's guidance. As a church we take no official position and look for unity by respecting our differences.
Older Children/adults
Eternal Security:
No, Can't Lose
CoastCity Church is a Christian Church located in Zip Code 32901.
Church Profile Manager: Terry Eckel