Church Profile
Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
17105 SW 296th St, Homestead, FL 33030
South Dade Baptist Church Family Life Center
Homestead, FL 33030-2551
United States
South Dade Baptist Church Family Life Center
Homestead, FL 33030-2551
United States
Service Times
Sunday 10:30AM
(786) 661-4325
Pastor Hector Dueñas Jr.
Our Mission
We strive to be a church without walls. Jesus calls for us to go outside the walls to reach the hopeless and the broken. Most churches find it comfortable to stay within the walls, but Global Church's vision is to see our city changed one person at a time
GLOBAL Church exists to change lives and give hope. We help people connect with Christ by creating diverse opportunities to worship God, feel the Holy Spirit's presence, and together experience His divine power.
Our mission is to change lives through the transformative power of the Gospel in our region and beyond.
Global Church ensures that many experience receiving, rejoicing, and sharing the eternal love of Christ. Visit GLOBAL Church and dare to dream, believe, and grow once again.
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About new life church | IGC HOMESTEAD & ONLINE | new hope church
Global Church is One Church with 2 Languages. Our beliefs are based on the Bible and centered on Jesus Christ. We are a multicultural, multi-generational church that is all about community.
Although our church family represents great diversity in age, language, and culture, we understand that a passion to be followers of Jesus is what binds us together. We don't tolerate our differences; we embrace them. We look at our church more like family, and everyone is always welcome! So come as you are; there is no formal dress code here! We want you to feel welcomed in our relaxed services.
Service and Sermon Style:
Topical Sermons
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Primary Language:
Other Language Services:
Church Ministries
Sunday School
Small Groups
Groups and Public Services
Christian School
Counseling Services
Our Statement of Faith:
- In the essential beliefs, we have UNITY,
- In the non-essential beliefs, we have LIBERTY,
- In all beliefs, we have CHARITY.
1. We believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God.
2. We believe in one God who exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
3. We believe in the present-day ministry of the Holy Spirit, who convicts the lost of their sins and draws them to Christ, and who gives believers the power to transform their lives.
4. We believe the full gospel includes healing for the body, baptism in the Holy Spirit, and supernatural Gifts for the Glory of the Kingdom of God.
5. We believe in the second resurrection of the lost and saved at the second coming of Jesus: the saved into the resurrection of life and the lost into eternal separation from God.
6. Jesus Christ is Lord, and thanks to His sufferings and His shed blood, we can be born again. And we believe in:
- His virgin birth,
- His sinless life,
- His miracles,
- His bodily resurrection,
- His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and
- His return in power and glory!
7. We believe that faith in Christ alone saves and gives us forgiveness from the past, power for the present, and a promised future of eternal life in Heaven.
Primary Bible Version Used:
Multiple Versions Used
Older Children/adults
Communion Frequency:
Eternal Security:
No, Can't Lose
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Open But Cautious
Regularly Practice:
Prayers for Healing
new life church | IGC HOMESTEAD & ONLINE | new hope church is a Non-Denominational Church located in Zip Code 33030-2551.
Church Profile Manager: Hector Duenas