Church Profile
Service Times
(239) 362-8795

Senior Pastor A. Stan Wiley, Jr.
Our Mission
Our mission at New Smyrna Cathedral is to get outside of the building known as the church and go out into the community to do more than feed the people on holidays or give school supplies away. Our mission is to become a central pillar in our community, providing assistance in areas of reintegration of ex-offenders, job training, foster care for adolescences, mentoring for at risk youth, abuse shelters for battered women and most importantly, a place of worship that does not judge based on old traditions or ritualism.
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About New Smyrna Cathedral
This ministry may not be for everyone, like most other ministries. We strive to be a family-oriented ministry with an “Old-fashion” Spirit, that focuses on the re-establishing what we call the "village mentality". We define the "village mentality" as the level of love, morality, value, and respect once held dear, going back to the old adage that it takes a village to raise one child. We are firm believers, teachers and preachers in the infallible, unadulterated Word of GOD given through the Holy Bible. GOD has given us a Christ-centered, “family focused” ministry that focuses on repairing the brokenness of our families, which has led to the division of our neighborhoods, as well as our communities, and ultimately, the slow decay of our society. Through our first teaching/preaching of the Bible, we build men in our M.O.V.E (Men Of Vision &Evangelism) Ministry by following the principles of re-direction, re-establishment and re-focus. As a whole, men have lost sight of their roles as first the “Priests” of their homes, as the “men of good report” in their communities and “good examples” to those of the faith. Because of these things, we must re-direct our paths as we re-focus on our purpose, finally allowing GOD to re-establish us as men. But the M.O.V.E Ministry is not our sole priority because we also realize that family, like GOD is a triune entity. Our L.O.V.E (Ladies Of Virtue & Evangelism) Ministry also focuses on the needs of our women as a whole. We are witnessing the rise of a stronger more determined woman, yet lacking the “Fatherly” relationship that only GOD can provide and because of this, she turns to men that she thinks will be the “father”, husband, provider, keeper, protector, “Mr. Right”, just to find out that he is none of those things. Our goal through our L.O.V.E Ministry is to help women find a Heavenly Father (GOD) through faith, while building self-respect, as well as respect for others and creating a support system that helps other women in all areas. But our focus on the family doesn’t just stop there; we also have our R.Y.D.E (Radical Young Disciples Evangelizing) Ministry, which focuses on the life of our legacy, our children. The R.Y.D.E Ministry is the heartbeat of our ministry because it is the staging area for our youth. Our men have forgotten who they were created to be, which in turn has added to load of our women and that has led to a generation of children that has been left at home to raise themselves. Our goal is to provide a place where a child can be a child, while learning the tool necessary to become productive in our society. There is so much more we can say about us but we won’t… If you would like to know more about us, come and see.
Denomination / Affiliation:
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Community Projects:
Church Ministries
Sunday School
Groups and Public Services
Counseling Services
Weddings and Receptions
Statements of Faith
(1) WE BELIEVE in only one true and living GOD and the trinity of persons in the GOD-head, (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), and yet there are not 3 (three) but 1 (one) GOD;
(2) WE BELIEVE that the HOLY BIBLE was written by men divinely inspired and is a perfect treasure of heavenly instruction, revealing the principles by which GOD judges us and therefore, is and shall remain to the end of the world, the true center of Christian union, as the Supreme standard by which all human conduct, creeds, and opinions should be tried;
(3) WE BELIEVE in the fall of man and the communication of Adam’s sinful nature to his posterity by ordinary generation and their impotency to recover themselves from the fallen state they are in by nature by their own free will and ability;
(4) WE BELIEVE that the great Gospel blessing which CHRIST secured to such as believe in HIM is JUSTIFICATION; That justification includes the pardon of sin and the promise of eternal life on principles of righteousness;
(5) WE BELIEVE that all chosen in CHRIST shall hear the voice of the Son of GOD, and be effectually called, regenerated, and born again;
(6) WE BELIEVE that Baptism is the immersion of a believer in water by a proper administrator in the name of the Father, the Son, and the HOLY SPIRIT;
(7) WE BELIEVE the LORD’s supper, in which the members of the Church, by the sacred use of bread and wine, are to commemorate together the dying love of CHRIST, preceding always by solemn self-examination;
(8) WE BELIEVE that those born again are justified in the sight of GOD alone by righteousness of JESUS CHRIST imputed to them by faith;
(9) WE BELIEVE that faith is the gift of GOD and good works the fruit of faith, justifying us in the sight of men, women, and angels as evidences of our gracious state;
(10) WE BELIEVE that all the saints of GOD justified by the righteousness of CHRIST shall preserve in grace and none of them fall away so as to be lost;
(11) WE BELIEVE in the general judgment, both of the just and the unjust, that the joys of the righteous shall be eternal and the punishment of the wicked shall be everlasting;
(12) WE BELIEVE that in order to be saved, sinners MUST be regenerated or born again and that regeneration consists of giving a holy disposition to the mind, effecting in a manner our comprehension, by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT in connection with divine truth, so as to secure our voluntary obedience to the gospel;
(13) WE BELIEVE that the visible Church of CHRIST is a congregation of Baptized, Blood Bought Believers in CHRIST adhering to a special covenant, which recognizes CHRIST as their only lawgiver and ruler, HIS word being their exclusive guide in all religious matters. It is alone a religious assembly, called, selected, and chosen out of the world by the doctrine of the Gospel to worship the true GOD according to HIS word;
(14) WE BELIEVE that GOD established the 5-fold ministry for the empowering and equipping of the saints to use in the building of the glorious kingdom of CHRIST JESUS;
(15) WE BELIEVE that no Minister has a right to administer the ordinances of the gospel only such as have been regularly baptized, called and come under the imposition of a Presbytery by the majority of the Church of CHRIST;
(16) WE BELIEVE that none but regularly baptized and orderly Church Members have a right to communion at the LORD’S Table;
(17) WE BELIEVE in washing of feet in the Church capacity immediately after the LORD’S supper, as a sign of servitude and humility, first to CHRIST JESUS, then to one another in the Church;
(18) WE BELIEVE that salvation is the eternal purpose of GOD, according to which he graciously regenerated, sanctifies, and saves sinners;
(19) WE BELIEVE that marriage is a sacred union between man and wife, ordained by GOD as Holy, proven in its ability of procreation.
Eternal Security:
Yes, Can Lose
We agree with these Doctrinal Statements:
Apostles Creed
New Smyrna Cathedral is a Christian Church located in Zip Code 33916.
Church Profile Manager: A. Stan Wiley, Jr.