Church Profile
Service Times
Sunday School for all ages 9:45 am
Sunday Morning Service 10:45 am
Sunday Evening Service 6:00 pm
Sunday Youth Service 6:00 pm
Wednesday Family Night 7:00 pm
(352) 483-3011

Pastor Skott Jensen
Our Mission
Reaching, Teaching, and Keeping People for Christ
Our mission is to be a lighthouse to all people and lead them into a personal and closer relationship with Jesus Christ.
Don't have to worry about getting lost in the mix. You feel the love of the people and the pastors.
Read more About Spirit Life Assembly of God
Welcome!!! First Assembly of God is a Pentecostal church in Eustis, Florida. Our mission is to be a lighthouse to all people and lead them into a personal and closer relationship with Jesus Christ. We provide church services and programs for all ages. If you are looking for a home church that is smaller and filled with love, then look no further. We not only support our community but missionaries and projects worldwide.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Assemblies of God
Service and Sermon Style:
Spirit-led Preaching
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Primary Language:
Church Ministries
Sunday School
Royal Rangers, National Girls Ministry (formally Missionettes), Children's church (junior and senior), Nursury (Sunday morning and Wednesday).
WE BELIEVE…The Scriptures are Inspired by God and declare His design and plan for mankind.
WE BELIEVE…There is only One True God–revealed in three persons…Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (commonly known as the Trinity).
WE BELIEVE…In the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. As God’s son Jesus was both human and divine.
WE BELIEVE…though originally good, Man Willingly Fell to Sin–ushering evil and death, both physical and spiritual, into the world.
WE BELIEVE…Every Person Can Have Restored Fellowship with God Through ‘Salvation’.
WE BELIEVE…and practice two ordinances—(1) Water Baptism by Immersion after repenting of one’s sins and receiving Christ’s gift of salvation, and (2) Holy Communion (the Lord’s Supper) as a symbolic remembrance of Christ’s suffering and death for our salvation.
WE BELIEVE…the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
WE BELIEVE… The Initial Physical Evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is ‘Speaking in Tongues'.
WE BELIEVE…Sanctification Initially Occurs at Salvation and is not only a declaration that a believer is holy but also a progressive lifelong process of separating from evil as believers continually draw closer to God and become more Christlike.
WE BELIEVE…The Church has a Mission to seek and save all who are lost in sin.
WE BELIEVE…A Divinely Called and Scripturally Ordained Leadership Ministry Serves the Church.
WE BELIEVE…Divine Healing of the Sick is a Privilege for Christians Today and is provided for in Christ’s atonement (His sacrificial death on the cross for our sins).
WE BELIEVE…in The Blessed Hope—When Jesus Raptures His Church Before His Return to Earth (the second coming).
WE BELIEVE…in The Millennial Reign of Christ when Jesus returns with His saints at His second coming and begins His benevolent rule over earth for 1,000 years.
WE BELIEVE…A Final Judgment Will Take Place for those who have rejected Christ. They will be judged for their sin and consigned to eternal punishment in a punishing lake of fire.
WE BELIEVE…and look forward to the perfect New Heavens and a New Earth that Christ is preparing for all people, of all time, who have accepted Him. We will live and dwell with Him there forever following His millennial reign on Earth. ‘And so shall we forever be with the Lord!’
Older Children/adults
Communion Frequency:
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Regularly Practice
Regularly Practice:
Prayers for Healing
Spirit Life Assembly of God is a Pentecostal Church located in Zip Code 32726.
Church Profile Manager: Skott Jensen