101-500 Members

Church Profile

Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
250 Indian Bayou Trl
Destin, FL 32541
United States
Service Times
7:45am with Holy Communion. 10:00am with Holy Communion, Nursery and Sunday School. Adult Sunday School between the services at 9:00am in the Library. Brazilian Church service in Portuguese, 7pm on Sundays.
(850) 837-6324
Rev. Caleb Miller

Our Mission

MISSION: The charge given to us by the Lord. Our walk in faith begins with worshiping the Lord of heaven and earth. We cannot love the Lord unless we also love our neighbors enough to help them physically and spiritually. To do that we need to have a personal relationship with the Lord and the empowering of the Holy Spirit which requires a disciplined life. We express this simply at Immanuel by stating: It's about God; it's about others; it's about us

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About Immanuel Anglican Church

Immanuel Anglican Church is an Anglican church in Destin Florida. This AMiA church serves Okaloosa and Walton Counties on the Emerald Coast.
Denomination / Affiliation: Anglican
Dress Style: casual
Average Age of Attendees: all-ages


Church Ministries
Sunday School
Small Groups
Youth Wednesday Nights from 6:30-8:30pm in The Shed! KidzNet for all children ~ Fellowship, Food, Fun, Friends, Free! Prayer Shawl Ministry. Sunday Service Ministries. Altar Guild. Prayer Force.
Noah's Ark Pre-school. 850.650.3504


Baptism: Both
We agree with these Doctrinal Statements: Apostles Creed Nicene Creed


Immanuel Anglican Church is a Christian Church located in Zip Code 32541.

Church Profile Manager: Allison Yii

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