Meet The Pastor
Pastor Jim Lane
If you've read this far, you're taking a quick look at Mercy Hill, to see what we're about, who we want and hope to be, and how we're doing at moving in that direction. Good stuff!
At this point, I'm sitting here staring at the box that asks me to write up some sort of greeting or personal biography, and I think back to last week when I was on a popular Christian website of sorts... when I realized that every link showed the picture of a Pastor's face and the caption described the life-change she or he offered.
While I believe God can and does use these types of leaders today (one cannot argue this!) I believe our call at Mercy Hill is to maybe less to deconstruct the Pastoral pedestal as much as re-emphasize the work and power of the Holy Spirit in your life and in mine, and in the walk that we set out on together.
The Savior of the universe (Jesus) called His Disciples friends... and I think this matters. I think it's time that people stop lifting us up on pedestals expecting that Pastors become localized rock stars in their communities... and instead we let the work of God in, around and through each of us (yes, including the Pastor but not DISincluding you!) in the way we live and move and breathe as His community.
So... to make a long story short, welcome! Very glad you are looking into us, and even checking out my story. But beware... this Pastor is a human, and loves for our church to be just that... the Church. Alongside. Authentically. Intimately. Deeply. And if we haven't scared you off by now... please know that you will be welcomed in an inviting, non-weird but real way!
- Jim