Church Profile
Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
1733 Dad Clark Drive
Highlands Ranch, CO 80126
United States
Highlands Ranch, CO 80126
United States
Service Times
10am Sundays, Prayer 6:30pm Wednesdays, various men's and women's groups and homegroups during the week.
(720) 254-1580
Chris Smith
Our Mission
To know Jesus & to make Him known!
It is our purpose to reach the unsaved & lost with the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, by equipping God's people to do the very things they were created for.
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About Equipped Church
Equipped Church is a place where people can meet Jesus, engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in making sure that people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory. Join us for our Sunday service or a midweek gathering! We are a family brought together for the purpose of living this life to the full, discovering all that God has in store, through a real relationship with Him, made possible by the salvation of Jesus Christ, assuring that our lives will impact the world around us.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Service and Sermon Style:
Spirit-led Preaching
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Primary Language:
Church Ministries
Sunday School
Small Groups
Groups and Public Services
Counseling Services
Weddings and Receptions
Food Pantry
Trips to other nations to take the Gospel to the unreached. Also working with other local churches, helping where and when they need it.
There is one eternally existing God who has three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. He is the creator of all that exists, both visible and invisible, and is therefore worthy of all glory and praise. God is perfect in love, power, holiness, goodness, knowledge, wisdom, justice, and mercy. He is unchangeable and therefore is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
God has revealed himself to us through his son, Jesus Christ, who is the visible image of the invisible God, the holy scriptures, and through all of creation itself.
Humans, both male and female, were created in God's image for His glory. The first humans, Adam and Eve, were created without sin and appointed as caretakers of the rest of God's creations.
The Fall
When Adam and Eve chose not to obey God, they ceased to be what they were made to be and became distorted images of God. This caused them to fall out of fellowship with God, and fractured all of creation ever since that time.
Jesus Christ came to reconcile us with God. He lived a life without sin and willingly died on the cross to pay the penalty for our transgressions. God raised him from the dead and now, by grace, offers as a free gift eternal life to all who follow Christ, by faith, as their Lord and Savior. That is why salvation can be found in Christ alone.
The Church
The Church is meant to be the visible body of Christ, sent into the world to glorify God and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is returning one day to judge both the living and the dead and to usher in the fullness of God's kingdom on earth.
Primary Bible Version Used:
New International Version
Older Children/adults
Communion Frequency:
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Regularly Practice
Regularly Practice:
Altar Call or Invitation
Equipped Church is a Non-Denominational Church located in Zip Code 80126.
Church Profile Manager: Chris Smith