Meet The Pastor

Dr. Tim Bagwell
Dr. Tim Bagwell began his full time ministry in 1972. His ministry, through evangelistic crusades, conferences, and seminars has taken him across the United States and into several foreign countries as a prophetic evangelist. He has literally touched hundreds of thousands of lives across this world with a bold, un-compromising message, with signs following. Pastors throughout the world solicit his ministry because of its balance of pastoral and evangelistic experience. He has currently authored five books, Prophetic Generation, Possessing Your Prophetic Promise, Empowered for the Call, Empowered for Life and When I See the Blood.
For the last 24 years Dr. Bagwell has pastored Word of Life Christian Center. Word of Life is a church that proclaims and demonstrates the love and power of God. Word of Life Christian Center has become a place where those who are hungry for the bold, uncompromising Word can be fed; a place that manifests the power of the Holy Ghost with signs, wonders, miracles and a true prophetic proclamation. The blessing of the Holy Ghost has caused people from the north, south, east and west to come and eat the meat of the Word and be transformed by the demonstration of the Holy Spirit.
Pastor’s Tim and Gayla Bagwell were married in October 1975. Pastor Gayla is a devoted wife, mother,grandmother, and her husbands’ constant partner in ministry. She is a gifted teacher and vocalist and has conducted many seminars for ladies across this nation. She has also been gifted with a powerful anointing to impact women. Her “Gayla Events” have become widely known and are a time of celebration, education, and impartation. Through visual illustration and audience participation, ladies feel as though they have not just been ministered to, but have experienced a life-changing event. She is also the editor-in-chief of SHINE magazine, which focuses on reflecting God’s glory to women. The Bagwell’s have two sons, Adam and Aaron; two beautiful daughter-in-laws, Sarah and Teri; and five grandchildren: Timothy, Jonathan, Annika, Brooklyn, and Alexandria.
In the fall of 2000, Word of Life Christian Center finished construction and opened a new 14 million dollar, 100,000 square foot location in Lone Tree, Colorado. Dr. Bagwell’s desire is that this facility be a tool to build the kingdom and be a dwelling place for the glory of God in the Denver metro area.
Some of the greatest ministries in America have blessed the people of Word of Life Christian Center. Great generals in the spirit like Dr. Oral Roberts, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Morris Cerullo, Pastor Rod Parsley, and Reinhard Bonnke and many others have deposited greatness into Word of Life Christian Center and the ministry of the Bagwell family.
Dr. Bagwell has ministered at some of the most impacting churches in this nation and has appeared multiple times on TBN and Daystar. Additionally, his crusades in Brazil have left lasting fruit in that nation as well as many other nations throughout the world.
Dr. Bagwell continues to challenge all who hear him preach, “You are who God says you are.”