Church Profile
Service Times
10AM Sundays. Physical Address 2555 Dominic Dr. Chico Ca. 95928 Behind Italian Cottage off Bruce Rd and Skyway.
We always have our services on Facebook live streams and on Website
Bible Studies for Men, Women, Youth and Young adults!
Check out all our messages on our YouTube page. Also we are on Yelp and Instagram.
See who we are and what our atmosphere, culture and style is on our website!
Family and friendly, genuine! All about Jesus and growing our relationship with Him whether are just getting to know Him or looking to grow your relationship with Christ no matter where you are in your walk!
(530) 588-4700
Founder and Lead Pastor Pastor Alfredo Romero
Our Mission
Jesus is Real, Relevant and wants an active daily Relationship with you!
Rock of Life's mission is to show people that Jesus is real, He is relevant to your life, and He loves you so much, He desires to have an active daily relationship with you.
Vision: To offer the community a place that provides messages that tell everyone about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit according to His word, the Holy Bible. To offer people an opportunity to hear the gospel in a way that speaks to their heart. The spoken word, praise and worship music, singing, and especially through our lifestyle
To build a community that invites and welcomes people of all age groups and offers a place where everyone feels valued, supported, and encouraged to either start and/or grow their relationship with Jesus
Core Values: The Word of God is 100% truth. A relationship with Jesus Christ, to love God and let His Spirit lead our lives daily
Love one another as Christ loves us
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About Rock of Life Fellowship
We’re a place where people gather to learn that Jesus is real, relevant and He wants to have a relationship with you. Wherever you are in life, whether you already know Jesus or want answers about Him, you are welcome to come just as you are.
We know not all ministries are the same style, atmosphere, and culture. Visit us! We’re a place in Chico where people gather to learn that Jesus is real, always was and will be forever!
The Word of God has a purpose for you and is relevant to every moment of our lives. God desires to have an active daily relationship with you and His plan is better than anything this world can offer. Whether you have known Jesus for a day or a decade or more, we are all learning to grow our relationship with Jesus!
We have two choices in this world: Live life with God or without Him. It is much better with Him. A relationship with God is for eternity!
Denomination / Affiliation:
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)
Service and Sermon Style:
Topical Sermons
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Primary Language:
Church Ministries
Small Groups
Groups and Public Services
Weddings and Receptions
Radio or TV Program
Praise Team
All Church Bible Study
Senior Group
We acknowledge that a large growing part of today’s culture sees no purpose for God. Generations continue to grow in their view that Jesus is not relevant to their lives. God and His Word are continually being deleted from most aspects of our nation and local communities.
Why is there a growing view that there is no need for the Word of God and the message of salvation?
The name of “Jesus” freaks some people out, but the truth is they are unaware of who the true Jesus is according to the Word of God.
Jesus is not about hate or rules or condemning people. God is love and He is about grace, mercy and hope beyond what this life has to offer. Jesus loved you so much He died for you to have an everlasting life with God the Father. God's Spirit can give you a guidance that can help you through life's successes and most difficult times.
Get to know Jesus and how much He loves you. God will forgive the wrong things you have done in life if you ask for forgiveness, believe Jesus is the savior and ask Him into your heart and make Him Lord of your life!
Primary Bible Version Used:
New King James
Older Children/adults
Communion Frequency:
Eternal Security:
No, Can't Lose
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Open But Cautious
Regularly Practice:
Altar Call or Invitation
We agree with these Doctrinal Statements:
Nicene Creed
Rock of Life Fellowship is a Christian Church located in Zip Code 95928.
Church Profile Manager: Alfredo Romero