Meet The Pastor

Rev. Matt Behmer
Pastor Matt Behmer was called to serve as pastor and exploratory missionary in May 2016. His main focus is the revitalization of our outreach efforts to the Latino and Hispanic members of our community. This fits perfectly with his passion and experience. Prior to serving at Christ the King, Pastor Matt volunteered with Mission to the Children in Sonora, Mexico. This work gave him the opportunity to visit the villages of Altar, Atil, Tubutama, La Reforma, Sáric, and Sásabe. He also spent time teaching in Lima, Peru and conducting ethnographic research on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation in Arizona. Pastor Matt currently serves on the Evangelical Lutheran Synod’s Board for World Outreach. This work occasionally takes him to South America where he is always encouraged by the faith of believers around the world. Pastor Matt graduated from Bethany Lutheran College (Mankato, MN) and Bethany Lutheran Theological Seminary (Mankato, MN). His seminary education included a vicarage, or internship. Pastor Matt completed his vicarage at Peace Lutheran Church in North Mankato, MN and at Bethany Lutheran College in Mankato, MN. At Bethany Lutheran College he served as Assistant Dean of Residential Life, Residence Hall Coordinator, and Religious Studies Adjunct Faculty. Pastor Matt is married to Beth (Boche). They have been blessed with one daughter. Beth has studied Spanish in Quito, Ecuador and taught high school Math and Science in the Dominican Republic. In order to prepare for serving at Christ the King, the Behmer family spent four months in an intensive Spanish language immersion program in Puebla, Mexico. Matt is very thankful for the opportunity to serve at Christ the King.