Church Profile
Service Times
Sunday prayer 10:30a
Sunday Worship 11:00a
Thursday Evening 6:00p
(866) 894-8303

Pastor Duane Brown
Our Mission
Bringing Life to our communities
“To love God and love people. To learn to be genuine examples of Christ and through His light shining in us, impact our communities, reach the lost with love and grace, then teach new believers the truth so they can do the same.”
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About World Outreach West
Our focus is to experience the fullness offered in Christ according to the scriptures and not according to the culture. We seek to love more purely, worship more genuinely and witness more honestly as we grow in unity. If you’re looking for real people that are really saved and transformed by Jesus Christ , then join us. We don't want to be stuck in one place or "Sunday" Christian's we want to be a visible active body of believers that impact people for the Glory of God. Check out our social media feeds for Outreach info or scroll through our photo gallery to see some of the Outreach work in progress.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Service and Sermon Style:
Topical Sermons
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Primary Language:
1. Belief in One all-powerful, eternal God. He has no beginning and no end - He has always existed in three persons (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit).
2. The Bible is the inerrant Word of God given as the authoritative way of knowing God and how to know Him. The Bible is God’s way of communicating with humanity.
3. Jesus Christ: God's Son and Our Savior, incarnate as fully man and fully God, who lived a perfect life, died under the full wrath of God as an atonement for our sins, was buried, and rose on the third day. Later He ascended to heaven where He sit's at the right hand of the Father and will return again for His people and to judge the living and the dead.
4. The Problem of Sin. The depravity of man.
5. Salvation Through Faith in Jesus alone, by grace alone through faith alone according to scripture alone
Primary Bible Version Used:
New King James
Older Children/adults
Communion Frequency:
Eternal Security:
Yes, Can Lose
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Open But Cautious
World Outreach West is a Non-Denominational Church located in Zip Code 85351.
Church Profile Manager: Duane Brown