100 or less Members
Church Profile
Service Times
Sundays - 10:30 am
Sunday School and Adult Bible study - Sundays - 9:15 am
(334) 730-4300

Pastor Doug Davis
Our Mission
Our Promise to You: Messiah Church, being guided and directed by God’s Word, welcomes all with Christ-centered love, announcing God's unconditional forgiveness and grace, and is prepared to provide timely compassion in your life.
God's grace and mercy to you! Pastor Doug is a true man of God and teaches from God's word. It is the infallible truth.
Bible study groups are available for Sunday school. Nursery available for ages up to 3 yrs old. Life groups are great for Sunday nights
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Church Staff
This congregation is filled with people who genuinely care for one another and all who come through the doors. Everyone is treated like family and welcomed to participate at whatever level they feel comfortable. They are excited to be in the community helping where they can...
Read more About Messiah Church
Our promise to you: Messiah Church, being guided and directed by God’s Word, welcomes all with Christ-centered love, announcing God's unconditional forgiveness and grace, and is prepared to provide timely compassion in your life.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Lutheran Church of Missouri Synod
Service and Sermon Style:
Topical Sermons
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Primary Language:
Church Ministries
Sunday School
Small Groups
One Harvest - Food Ministry
Autauga Interfaith Care Center
Grace Alone: God loves us unconditionally. We do not have to seek Him, come to Him or do anything to earn His love. Fact is, we don’t seek Him, can’t come to Him and won’t do what His Law really requires! The meaning of grace is that God recognizes this, yet still gives us His love as a free gift. Never because of anything we have done or said, but through the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus. No strings attached. It is God’s grace that “saves” us, meaning that only God Himself can restore our relationship with Him. He does so through Jesus.
Faith Alone: Faith means the same thing as trust. Faith is trust that we have received God’s grace through Jesus. It’s that simple. Faith is the amazing confidence in the promise God makes to us. It is a confidence we could never manufacture through our emotions because it requires truth that can only come from outside of ourselves. Faith is from the Holy Spirit working in our heart to rely more and more on the promise of God. This promise is to forgive all we have done or will do against Him and one another and to give us the hope of a new life in Jesus.
Scripture Alone: God reveals His grace and feeds our faith through the pages of the Bible. The Bible is, quite simply, all about Jesus and His victory for us on the cross. The Bible is the Word of God, or Scripture, in which God reveals Himself to us. More than just a book, the Bible shapes our understanding of our relationship with God and His calling in our lives.
Eternal Security:
Yes, Can Lose
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Open But Cautious
Messiah Church is a Lutheran Church located in Zip Code 36066.
Church Profile Manager: Doug Davis