Meet The Pastor

Jason Tucker
Pastor Jason Tucker
After graduating from Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, MO, Jason spent five years serving on the pastoral staff at a large suburban church in Shelby County. While ministering in that context, he and his wife Susie became increasingly aware of the fact that they were regularly driving past their actual neighbors to worship and minister in a community different from the Bluff Park neighborhood where God had specifically planted their family. Over time they began to feel an increasing burden to see a unique movement of the Gospel take root among their fellow Bluff Park neighbors. After laying their desire to plant a new church before fellow pastors, leaders, and trusted friends, Jason’s call was confirmed and in 2013 he stepped out in faith to become the lead pastor, chief repenter, visionary leader, custodian and general all around “get-er-done” cheerleader and equipper at Bluff Park Community Church. Jason has served in various ministry settings from Birmingham, AL to the Central Asian nation of Kazakhstan. In his free time he is often out working (playing) in his backyard garden, manning the grill, or cheering for the Crimson Tide (often, in the fall, all three at once). Jason and Susie have been married for 16 years and have lived in Bluff Park since 2000. They have four children, which also means they drink lots of coffee.