Meet The Pastor

Keith & Priscilla Parker
Keith and Priscilla (Pris) Parker are the Senior Pastors of Community Church of Arab. Keith grew up here in Arab and moved to Texas later in life. That's where he met Pris. They both worked for John Hagee Ministries in San Antonio, Tx, and were called to return back to where Pastor Keith grew up, to start a church, and promote unity in the body of Christ. They have been here now for a little over 10 years, and have seen the church grow out of a barn into a beautiful church campus. As well, they have been charter members of the Arab Ministerial Association (AMA) that is a gathering of all denominations for special services, and the Pastor members all meet once a month to share ideas.
A Word From The Pastors: “Priscilla and I are totally committed to our Lord Jesus Christ. And through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we will bring all glory and honor to Him through Community Church. We cannot change our past, but can shape our future by the decisions we make today. Our decision today is to seek to bring unity to the Body of Christ. Thank you to the community and surrounding areas of Arab for embracing us and encouraging us in every way, as we pray and work together in unity and one accord” – Pastor Keith Parker.