Canada and United Kingdom
Good news! Most Canada and United Kingdom cities are now available on, so you can now add your church on! Find out more about the benefits of ChurchFinder Pro for your church, then click on the "Add My Church" button. You will be stepped through the process of adding your church. When you get to "Select your Target City", just change "Country" to Canada or United Kingdom and select your province and city.
We are excited to be expanding in Canada and the United Kingdom!
ChurchFinder Pro - Overview ChurchFinder Pro - Features
Pastors in Other Countries
Are you in another country (NOT U.S., Canada or the United Kingdom)?
By God's grace and provision, we will be expanding into other countries! If your church is in an english-speaking country such as Australia, or the Philippines, please register and add your church now, and we will contact you when we launch in your country.
You will need to join the site to add or update your Church Profile, but when you add your church you will see a "Select a Target City" selector tool. You will need to...
- For "Country" select "Other Countries"
- For "City" select your country - Australia, the Philippines, etc. Select "Other Country" if your country is not listed.
- Currently we are only accepting Church Profiles for certain cities and countries outside of the U.S.
Until we launch in your country and city, your church will be listed on a single page on the site for your country. You do not need to pay for an upgraded ChurchFinder Pro Membership Plan - we only accept U.S. currency at this time.
Thank you for partnering with us to reach people in your area!