Reviews for The Rock Church
1.7/5 7 User Reviews Showing 1 - 8 of 8 Reviews

Former Member
I was a member of The Rock C of Kissimmiie Fl for 16 years. I am The renegade critic of my former church. I am disabled. They take verses OUT OF CONTEXT @ healing. In November, Pastor Vikki let me eat in the food pantry lobby and clean the lobby. Then she said she did not...
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Former Member
I was a member of The Rock C of Kissimmiie Fl for 16 years. I am The renegade critic of my former church. I am disabled. They take verses OUT OF CONTEXT @ healing. In November, Pastor Vikki let me eat in the food pantry lobby and clean the lobby. Then she said she did not...
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First-time Visitor
They knowingly protect & harbor child predators! Including the security guard! He wasn’t even a member of their “church”. But they lied to police and said he was. They made false statements to police about the people that were confronting the child predator. The predator...
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First-time Visitor
My girlfriend, at the time, joined the Rock Church a year ago. They convinced her to change her name to Esther, have 12 disciples like Jesus, and told her to break up with me because I am Jewish, and pressured her to have sex with other Cult members in the church (a gay...
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New Attender
I went to thank my God. I recieved his word and i left.

I was part of this church for 6 yrs I left officially a yr ago, I waited a Year until I knew the Word enough to hold this church Accountable to their theology. Warning of church structure as a whole (UNHEALTHY). CONTROLLED BY LEGALISM & HERESY. Teachings of(Doctrinal...
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I want to start by say that this church changed my life. I have been to many churches but the Holy Spirit spoke to me here and captured my heart. The people are so welcoming and loving you feel right at home. When I started attending my life was flipped upside down and felt...
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