Lawrence T.

Thou shalt not steal, bear false witness, or covet they neighbors wife.

Average: 1 (1 vote)
The Church of Jennifer Dykes Tweit, and Dale Arnold Tweit is one of their own teaching, and not that of what God has taught. It is God who ordains, and God wouldn't ordain a thief or a liar to preach the gospel. (they claimed to receive a "big inheritance" from Jennifer's family, but it was the theft of a life insurance policy they took from Elizabeth Grace Tweit. It was a trust set aside from her mother's death from a car accident in 2005, who Dale was attributed to be the cause of. He was to receive no financial benefit. The Church had originally been started by a friend of Jennifer, but she picked up the microphone one day and never put it down. They have excommunicated Grace's brothers from speaking to her. They did this to ensure Grace would be easily coereced into signing funds over to them. Jennifer and Dale began a relationship while Jennifer was still married to her husband, they were asked to leave the church they formerly attended. This happened to Dale twice, because there isn't a attractive woman in marital trouble who he won't attempt to get in bed. Grace's mother Heather and Dale met under similar circumstances. I was Grace's court appointed trustee, because I made every attempt to appropriate funds for Grace into education, I was removed as a trustee and slandered by Dale. Avoid this church!
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