Review For El Bethel International Ministries Church

Becky S.

Jesus is Here

Average: 5 (1 vote)
This church is the real thing. Jesus shows up, and people get healed and delivered weekly. Truly God is here! Since coming to EL BETHELInternational church I've I've personally received many miracles. I hope my testimony will help you to receive your healing as well. I see so many miracles in my church, it's unbelievable. Jesus still performs real miracles today, and everyday, at El Bethel, miracles with no medications, surgeries or therapies; just instantaneous healing. After 38 years of fighting an extremely difficult mental illness, called manic bi- polar slight schizophrenia, I was completely healed by Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior on Sunday, August 18, 2019 at EL Bethel International Ministries (ELBIM church) in Port Jervis, New York. This crippling condition, may have only happened 2-4 times a year; yet with indescribable heartbreak and havoc afterwards. Because of this condition, for 28 years, I would self-medicate with drugs/alcohol. That only created more issues as I suffered much loss in relationships, jobs and the will to live. Every prescribed medication would cause suicidal tendencies/attempts, so I refused to take them. This condition became a cyclical bondage that kept me in chains for a long time. I will never forget August 18, 2019 and the service that day at ELBIM church, in Port Jervis, NY! Five weeks prior to this service, As the worship was going on suddenly Pastor Kiruba said, "God wants to heal somebody's left side of their brain. He wants to reconnect the neurons and you are going to be to be able to think clearer". Then she prayed for the left side of the brain. During that time, all of a sudden, the left side of my brain became warm, and I felt like warm oil going down the left side of my head. I couldn't stop crying because I KNEW I was COMPLETELY healed! Praise the Lord!!! It has been 26 months and TWO CHRISTMASES with no episodes! Christmas has always been a difficult season for me with almost certain to have these horrible manic episodes. But this year, my best gift was celebrating 3 Christmas essentials episode free with Jesus! God has continued to heal me of many more illnesses as I kept going to ELBIM church. The more I was in His presence, the more He healed my heart from the past. He also healed me from IBS, TMJ, menopause symptoms, migraines and other ailments along the way. ELBIM church has become my home church ever since then. I see Jesus perform miracles weekly in my church, true merciful touches from God. Brain cancer, stomach cancer, urinary cancer, blood disorder, fibromyalgia, colitis, Crones disease, lupus, depression, anxiety, drug addition, cigarette addiction, alcohol addiction, sleep disorder, personality disorder and many more instantaneously gone; with MRI's for the proof and other lab reports that bewilder the doctors, Jesus is healing people. Blind eyes seeing 20/20, deaf ears and dumb mouths opening, the lame rising. Also, my Pastor’s daughter was literally raised up from her coma and death bed. Her discharge papers state that she was healed by God. I've never seen anything like the Jesus like I've seen in ELBIM church. Yes, the miracles are awesome, but i also have a family at ELBIM too, I've never ecosystem church like this, the way God designed it, and it's truly a beautiful thing
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