Churches of Christ have developed a leadership structure that encourage their elders to be unaccountable power brokers who will do or say whatever is needed for church contributions to be successful and the ministers to bow to this tyranny. Southeast has a group of elders and ministers who strongly fall into that category. Their primary agenda is to keep their constituents happy at any cost including with lies and silence being their primary tools. Southeast's leadership reinforces dysfunctional behaviors at the core while trying to make everything look good on the outside. If you are seeking a traditional Church of Christ this is not the church for you. If you are seeking a progressive Church of Christ then this is not the church for you. If you are seeking a church that does not cover up poor behavior by the leadership then this is not the church for you. If you are seeking a church where the leadership is honest with the members then this is not the church for you. If you are seeking a church where everyone is loved and accepted including people who are LGBT then this is definitely not the church for you.